Analyze security flaws and backdoors of the Raiden Wizard
Since the Raiden Wizard will be the Raiden business card, it must be easy to use and secure. Despite the main idea being simple the devil might be in the details. There was no security analysis of the Raiden Wizard so far. However, we are dealing with real values and the user's private keys.
Timebox 2 days
Identify key vulnerabilities
per vulnerability one follow-up issue and address it in code or communication
Analyze security flaws and backdoors of the Raiden Wizard
Since the Raiden Wizard will be the Raiden business card, it must be easy to use and secure. Despite the main idea being simple the devil might be in the details. There was no security analysis of the Raiden Wizard so far. However, we are dealing with real values and the user's private keys.
Timebox 2 days
Basic Flow of the Raiden Wizard
in five steps
Security analysis of all 5 steps