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Scenario bf1_basic_functionality using different matrix servers #4739

Closed christianbrb closed 5 years ago

christianbrb commented 5 years ago


In the past, we had issues with Raiden Nodes using different Matrix Servers. As far as I know currently the nodes spawn up by the scenario player all use the same Matrix Server and therefor bugs concerning the use of different Matrix Servers cannot be found.


Use different matrix servers within the bf1_basic_functionality scenario for different nodes:

This can be configured via node options:

czepluch commented 5 years ago

Do you mean that we specify which matrix server to use or that they by accident use the same ones? Afaik, there is an option to specify which matrix server to use per node. In which case, if I understand this issue correctly, it's already solved. But we should probably have another issue to actually use different ones.

christianbrb commented 5 years ago

But we should probably have another issue to actually use different ones.

That's this issue ;-)

czepluch commented 5 years ago

Sorry, Misread the issue then. Thanks!

christianbrb commented 5 years ago

Updated the issue description as discussed in the daily

agatsoh commented 5 years ago

I was testing on the scenario player for this particular case so I basically created a scenario which is a replica of bf1_basic_functionality except that now i specify a matrix server for each of the of the nodes. My scenario is like this and I get and error in the following tasks:

2019-09-26 14:24:51.474995 [error ] Task errored [scenario_player.tasks.base] task=<TransferTask: {'from': 3, 'to': 0, 'amount': 1}>

And starting from here all the parent tasks error.

I am running this test once more to check if the tests are flaky.

agatsoh commented 5 years ago

Today I run the scenario once more and i get this exception. scenario-player-run_bf1_diff_matrix_node_2019-09-27T10:24:01.log

    f"Expected number of events ({self.num_events}) did not match the number "
scenario_player.exceptions.legacy.ScenarioAssertionError: Expected number of events (1) did not match the number of events found (0)
2019-09-27 07:40:41.465367 [error    ] Task errored                   [scenario_player.tasks.base] task=<AssertBlockchainEventsTask: {'contract_name': 'TokenNetwork', 'event_name': 'NonClosingBalanceProofUpdated', 'num_events': 1, 'event_args': {'closing_participant': 3}}>

Though this error might be specifically related to Scenario Player and not to raiden.