raiguard / RecipeBook

Recipe Book for Factorio.
MIT License
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Crash on loading save. After removing mods + more. #99

Closed SGZ-Creations closed 2 years ago

SGZ-Creations commented 2 years ago

Describe the Bug

I removed some mods that where broken + adding 3 other mods that i wanted instead then on loading save this issue pops up. image

To Reproduce

Note install a copple of mods not only the subjects.

  1. Add modds u want to use and start a save. 1 of the mods can be -> (mod i used: Deep storage unit )
  2. Save & quite game. then (Remove mod i used: Deep storage unit )
  3. Restart game and load save u just made. Error shown on image shold we viseble to u.

Save file & Username

1.1.46 Bobs-Dark-Guns.zip

User Name


Log file


Privatley alternated mods


SGZ-Creations commented 2 years ago

Another note removing mod made me able to contiunue my save

raiguard commented 2 years ago

I was unable to reproduce this issue, and I'm unsure of how it's even possible that it happened. If you ever come across it again, please let me know.

SGZ-Creations commented 2 years ago

ok. i could add mod after no issue

SGZ-Creations commented 2 years ago

Tho i have no more info to give it's all of it

SGZ-Creations commented 2 years ago

tho i still have a save that breaks

older one compared to waht H spent on it. now