raiguard / UltimateResearchQueue

Advanced Factorio research queue GUI.
MIT License
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Crash when used with Nullius #24

Open Tomhero200 opened 2 months ago

Tomhero200 commented 2 months ago


When Ultimate Research Queue and Nulllius are used together, the 'Creating new map' loading screens loads and loads and loads and eventually the game crashes. Used Mods: Nullius Maximus + a few QoL mods. I tried creating a game without URQ mod and it worked fine, so this mod is causing the crash. I use ModMyFactory2, if that matters. factorio-previous.log


  1. Install the mod and Nullius Maximus.
  2. Create new map.
  3. Game crashes.
Tomhero200 commented 2 months ago

This also happens when I try to load a save. The mod seems to have a problem with the milestone system from nullius...