raihan2006i / active_admin_paranoia

This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be available in resource index page. Also 'All' and 'Archived' scope will be available for resource index page. 'All' scope will show non archived resources and 'Archived' scope will show deleted or archived resources.
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Merging active pull requests #19

Open raihan2006i opened 1 year ago

raihan2006i commented 1 year ago

@ndbroadbent As far I know you have merged all the open PRs into your fork. Is it possible to merge your fork and close the open PRs?

ndbroadbent commented 1 year ago

Hi @raihan2006i, yes I'm still using this gem actively. Sure, please feel free to merge my fork and close the open PRs.

I've also noticed a performance problem with the "Non Archived" count that was causing issues for me with requests timing out. It is this line of code: https://github.com/raihan2006i/active_admin_paranoia/blob/master/lib/active_admin_paranoia/dsl.rb#L47

I have paranoia set up to add the "deleted_at" scope by default to all my models, so this was doubling the WHERE clause, e.g.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL

For some reason this really confused Postgres and prevented it from using the index, so the query did a full table scan that took over 2 minutes (for some tables).

I've added the same unscope(:where => archived_at_column) here (from the following line):

scope(I18n.t('active_admin_paranoia.non_archived'), default: true) { |scope| scope.unscope(:where => archived_at_column).where(archived_at_column => not_archived_value) }

This clears any existing scope that uses the deleted_at column before adding it again. In my case I could just use scope by itself, but I can see how this would support other use-cases where the condition isn't added by default.

So that commit is in my fork as well

ndbroadbent commented 1 year ago

Another quick update (just posting on this issue instead of opening a new one) - we actually ran into a performance problem with a table that had a few million rows. I think I was wrong with the comment above, and I just need to fully disable the counts for the "Archived" and "Non-Archived" tabs.

I couldn't figure out how to make this configurable, so I've just added show_count: false for now:

      scope(I18n.t('active_admin_paranoia.non_archived'), default: true, show_count: false) { |scope| scope.unscope(:where => archived_at_column).where(archived_at_column => not_archived_value) }
      scope(I18n.t('active_admin_paranoia.archived'), show_count: false) { |scope| scope.unscope(:where => archived_at_column).where.not(archived_at_column => not_archived_value) }

It would be nice if this gem could expose this somehow as a configuration option