rails-girls-summer-of-code / announcements

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Kick Off RGSoC 2017 - Celebration in Vienna #14

Closed mkalininait closed 7 years ago

mkalininait commented 7 years ago

We are planning a small kick-off celebration in Vienna and would like to invite everyone who feels relevant to RGSoC: students, alumnae, coaches, mentors, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, supporters and friends!

Where: Adria on Donaukanal, http://www.adriawien.at/ When: Friday, 30th of June 2017, 5pm - 8pm local time.

There is no special program; we will meet, drink something refreshing, eat small foods, relax and talk!

Note: this event is organised under the Code of Conduct. Please read it carefully and only attend if you agree and abide by this.

RSVP with a comment if you want to come! 🙌 🐝 🙌🏻 🐹 🙌🏼 🌸 🙌🏽 🍒 🙌🏾 🍹 🙌🏿

mkalininait commented 7 years ago

@alicetragedy @ramonh @althaire @michaelem @klappradla (in case you are in Vienna) @cypher @mxstbr @mitsuhiko we would love to see you on the celebration! If you know someone we forgot to mention, please ping them here. Your +1s you are also welcome!

alicetragedy commented 7 years ago

I'll be there 🙋

hola-soy-milk commented 7 years ago

Yes! Would love to join, thank you! So sorry, I realized I already am booked for that evening 😭

michaelem commented 7 years ago


cypher commented 7 years ago


mitsuhiko commented 7 years ago

Will be there!

doesterr commented 7 years ago

Hi, will be there as well, sorry for the short notice.

We (Runtastic) are a first time sponsor this year, after Max pitched that idea within the company.

alicetragedy commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Cool to have you join our humble get-together, @doesterr! 🎉 ✨

alicetragedy commented 7 years ago

Thanks everyone for joining! 🙌