rails-girls-summer-of-code / projects-2014

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Proposal #9: diaspora* #10

Open lislis opened 10 years ago

lislis commented 10 years ago

diaspora* is a open source, decentralized social network where your privacy matters.

The diaspora* network consists of large number of servers, so called pods, and each server is a Rails installation. A perfect playground for Rails Girls students. Last year, two teams spend their Summer of Code on this project.

The project's code is maintained on Github and there are a lot of issues for a variety of skill levels. There is even a 'newcomer' tag for people who are just starting to contribute and don't know where to begin. diaspora* itself is community organized, which means every user can have a say. Project governance takes place on a another open source platform called loom.io.

The community is very open and welcoming, especially to soon to be contributors. You can always find help on the highly populated IRC channels.

Issues that teams could tackle:

Resources: official project page: https://diasporafoundation.org/ codebase on github: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/ governance on loom.io: https://www.loomio.org/g/EseV9p4X/diaspora-community general IRC #diaspora developer IRC #diaspora-dev

svenfuchs commented 10 years ago


ghost commented 10 years ago

@lislis Hi, I am a newcomer to RGSoC. I would like to work on this project for the upcoming Rails Girls Summer of Code. I would like to know more about the project.Are there any pre-requisites?

lislis commented 10 years ago

Hey @NitikaAgarwal There are no pre-requisites. To get a feeling for the project you should definatly create an account and get to know the community. Choose a server from the list http://podupti.me/ Also check out the issues here on Github and look for features or bugs you might want to work on https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues Or check out the irc channels #diaspora and #diaspora-dev on freenode.net to ask some developers or podmins for help

ghost commented 10 years ago

@lislis Create an account on ?? And do we have to make a small contribution for the application to be considered as in GSoC and OPW ? In other words, I would like to ask hot to make a strong proposal for the project? And would like to mentor the team ?

lislis commented 10 years ago

@NitikaAgarwal an account on a diaspora server, only if you haven't already. Because diaspora is decentralized, you can choose a server to sign up on. Most preferably a server in your own country.

You don't have to contribute to the project before you apply. The summer of code should get you started with contributing to open source and not require contributions beforehand.

To find a good feature for the application or proposal get in touch with the community directly on the IRC channels, e.g. here https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=diaspora and ask around. Or comment on the issues of the Github repository (link is already above)

rahihoha commented 10 years ago

@lislis...Hi Sir.I have a team based in India .Our coach will be @abishekk92 and my team mate is @prakriti17. We are beginners in rails framework but we had previously worked on web applications on Groovy on Grails using PostgreSQL. I had read some of the details of your proposal and found it interesting .The features on which the site has been built upon are very innovative. I have been recently studying about decentralization which provide huge amount of reliability and speed for communication. It would be a great opportunity for us if you provide us with a chance of working with you under your guidance and gain knowledge and experience through this project . Hoping to get a positive feedback. Also is it necessary to choose a single issue to work on or can we choose multiple topics to work on?

lislis commented 10 years ago

@rahihoha cool that you want to work on it :) You can of course choose multiple issues. Some are easier to fix than others. Summer of Code is 3 months so you'd have plenty of time.

rahihoha commented 10 years ago

@lislis I wanted to know about the application.There is a question that says, "What project(s) are you planning to work on? " So do we need to provide the same proposal as given above or do we have to give the proper project outline with the timeline of the project and issues to be resolved.

lislis commented 10 years ago

@rahihoha Here is a section on the website that should clarify what needs to go into the application http://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/students/application/#6 If you still have questions about the application you can ask on the mailinglist rails-girls-summer-of-code-community@googlegroups.com