rails-sqlserver / activerecord-sqlserver-adapter

SQL Server Adapter For Rails
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Coerced some explain tests #1183

Closed aidanharan closed 1 month ago

aidanharan commented 1 month ago

Fix following tests:


 4) Failure:
ExplainTest#test_relation_explain_with_first [/usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/rails-f31b853267ba/activerecord/test/cases/explain_test.rb:98]:
Expected /EXEC\ sp_executesql\ N'SELECT\ \[cars\]\.\*\ FROM\ \[cars\]\ ORDER\ BY\ \[cars\]\.\[id\]\ ASC\ OFFSET\ 0\ ROWS\ FETCH\ NEXT\ @0\ ROWS\ ONLY',\ N'@0\ int',\ @0\ =\ 1/ to match EXPLAIN for: SELECT [cars].* FROM [cars] ORDER BY [cars].[id] ASC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY [["LIMIT", 1]]
| StmtText                                           | StmtId | NodeId | Parent | PhysicalOp           | LogicalOp            | Argument                                           | DefinedValues                                      | EstimateRows | EstimateIO | EstimateCPU | AvgRowSize | TotalSubtreeCost | OutputList                                         | Warnings | Type     | Parallel | EstimateExecutions |
| SELECT [cars].* FROM [cars] ORDER BY [cars].[id... | 1      | 1      | 0      | NULL                 | NULL                 | 1                                                  | NULL                                               | 1.0          | NULL       | NULL        | NULL       | 0.00328320       | NULL                                               | NULL     | SELECT   | false    | NULL               |
|   |--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((1)))                     | 1      | 2      | 1      | Top                  | Top                  | TOP EXPRESSION:((1))                               | NULL                                               | 1.0          | 0.0        | 1.00000001  | 4072       | 0.00328320       | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | NULL     | PLAN_ROW | false    | 1.0                |
|        |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([activer... | 1      | 3      | 2      | Clustered Index Scan | Clustered Index Scan | OBJECT:([activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[P... | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | 1.0          | 0.00312500 | 0.00015920  | 4072       | 0.00328309       | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | NULL     | PLAN_ROW | false    | 1.0                |

  5) Failure:
ExplainTest#test_relation_explain_with_last [/usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/rails-f31b853267ba/activerecord/test/cases/explain_test.rb:107]:
Expected /EXEC\ sp_executesql\ N'SELECT\ \[cars\]\.\*\ FROM\ \[cars\]\ ORDER\ BY\ \[cars\]\.\[id\]\ DESC\ OFFSET\ 0\ ROWS\ FETCH\ NEXT\ @0\ ROWS\ ONLY',\ N'@0\ int',\ @0\ =\ 1/ to match EXPLAIN for: SELECT [cars].* FROM [cars] ORDER BY [cars].[id] DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY [["LIMIT", 1]]
| StmtText                                           | StmtId | NodeId | Parent | PhysicalOp           | LogicalOp            | Argument                                           | DefinedValues                                      | EstimateRows | EstimateIO | EstimateCPU | AvgRowSize | TotalSubtreeCost | OutputList                                         | Warnings | Type     | Parallel | EstimateExecutions |
| SELECT [cars].* FROM [cars] ORDER BY [cars].[id... | 1      | 1      | 0      | NULL                 | NULL                 | 1                                                  | NULL                                               | 1.0          | NULL       | NULL        | NULL       | 0.00328320       | NULL                                               | NULL     | SELECT   | false    | NULL               |
|   |--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((1)))                     | 1      | 2      | 1      | Top                  | Top                  | TOP EXPRESSION:((1))                               | NULL                                               | 1.0          | 0.0        | 1.00000001  | 4072       | 0.00328320       | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | NULL     | PLAN_ROW | false    | 1.0                |
|        |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([activer... | 1      | 3      | 2      | Clustered Index Scan | Clustered Index Scan | OBJECT:([activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[P... | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | 1.0          | 0.00312500 | 0.00015920  | 4072       | 0.00328309       | [activerecord_unittest].[dbo].[cars].[id], [act... | NULL     | PLAN_ROW | false    | 1.0                |