rails / cssbundling-rails

Bundle and process CSS in Rails with Tailwind, PostCSS, and Sass via Node.js.
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Question about --css=bootstarp #70

Closed jasonfb closed 2 years ago

jasonfb commented 2 years ago

Hey I just wanted to ask this query about starting with --css=bootstrap — it seems like when one does that (at least against 7.0.1), something else happens over in Stimulus (I know we're here in cssbundling-rails).

In particular, I noticed that javascript/controllers/index.js has something different and interesting...

// This file is auto-generated by ./bin/rails stimulus:manifest:update
// Run that command whenever you add a new controller or create them with
// ./bin/rails generate stimulus controllerName

import { application } from "./application"

import HelloController from "./hello_controller.js"
application.register("hello", HelloController)

it seems to suggest that this explicit registration pattern to update this file using rails stimulus:manifest:update is needed where as the other index.js file (at the same location) generated by the 7.0.1 without --css=bootsstrap seems to do this other thing:

import { application } from "controllers/application"

// Eager load all controllers defined in the import map under controllers/**/*_controller
import { eagerLoadControllersFrom } from "@hotwired/stimulus-loading"
eagerLoadControllersFrom("controllers", application)

just was curious if you could clarify the intention or maybe one is newer than the other? perhaps if the dynamic one is newer (seems smarter to me than a long list of registered controller names) it needs to be backported to the --css=bootstrap? or perhaps I'm missing something.

Thank you @dhh !


jasonfb commented 2 years ago

also with --css=bootstrap I can't get any stimulus controllers to connect, even if I do add them using the rails stimulus:manifest:update as explained in the index file..

whereas an app built without this gem (no --css=bootstrap) the stimmy controllers seem to connect up just fine.

jasonfb commented 2 years ago

so. I guess my question is this:

is importmap designed to be used in conjunction with cssbundling-rails and/or jsbundling-rails or as an alternative?

What it seems to me is that these apps installed with cssbundling-rails and jsbundling-rails (which I believe happens if you use either the --css or the --js flag), you get a Rails default with no importmap and the the stimulus + Turbo gems installed, but then what happens is that Turbo + Stimulus don't actually work. unless I'm missing something obvious, I think there's just a piece missing to wire up stimulus and Turbo on these kinds of apps.

jasonfb commented 2 years ago

I think perhaps the answer to my question above is "as an alternative"

when I try to install importmap on top of apps created like this, things seem to get somewhat worse: two application.js files are created (one was already inside of contollers/) and then Sprockets starts giving me errors:

Sprockets::DoubleLinkError in AdminDashboard::Users#index
Showing /Users/jason/Work/Hot_Glue/Example Apps/SimpleInvoicer/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line # raised:
Multiple files with the same output path cannot be linked ("application.js")

Note that I still get this even after I removed javascript_include_tag out of my application erb file and only have javascript_importmap_tags in this file.

I can't seem to retroactively fit importmap into these kinds of app at all, even trying to monkey patch the working (Default rails new) install into this non-functional install. So maybe this is the wrong route to go down. with these three new options it's just to see how the pieces fit together.

jasonfb commented 2 years ago

FYI — it the problem is on my machine it is almost certainly (I think?) the same root cause as https://github.com/rails/jsbundling-rails/issues/74

See my discussion with @dhh on that issue. Will get to the bottom of it soon-- I suspect cached yanked gems somewhere but if a 3rd party (who is not @dhh or me) could re-create on their machine to let us know what you get that would be helpful. all the details are over in the other story.

I guess the only relevant question here remains:

is importmap designed to be used in conjunction with cssbundling-rails and/or jsbundling-rails or as an alternative?

jasonfb commented 2 years ago

I was running these using rails s which has no webpack so it's possible that was my problem here. nevertheless, the mystery about the inconsistent files at app/javascript/controllers/index.js remains.

Since I was verbose above I will close this an re-file with only the question about the two app/javascript/controllers/index.js files

jasonfb commented 2 years ago
