I am using esbuild together with jsbundling-rails to bundle the js files.
I added this to my routes.rb
mount MissionControl::Jobs::Engine, at: "/jobs"
when I access localhost:3000/jobs I get the following error:
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiledError in MissionControl::Jobs::Queues#index
Asset `controllers/application.js` was not declared to be precompiled in production.
Declare links to your assets in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`.
//= link controllers/application.js
and restart your server
in my manifest.js I have
//= link_tree ../images
//= link_tree ../builds
How can I run Mission Control Jobs without importmaps ?
I am using esbuild together with jsbundling-rails to bundle the js files. I added this to my routes.rb
mount MissionControl::Jobs::Engine, at: "/jobs"
when I access localhost:3000/jobs I get the following error:
in my manifest.js I have
How can I run Mission Control Jobs without importmaps ?