rails / sass-rails

Ruby on Rails stylesheet engine for Sass
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Installation fails on Windows/Jruby #449

Open TheSynthMaster opened 1 year ago

TheSynthMaster commented 1 year ago

Trying to upgrade from rails 5 to a new installation, installed jruby last version and trying to

gem install sass-rails


C:\asset\applications\asestero_new>gem install sass-rails Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing sass-rails: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

current directory: C:/asset/jruby-

4.0/ext C:/asset/jruby- -I C:/asset/jruby- - r ./siteconf20221110-8908-oh7pcn.rb extconf.rb creating Makefile

current directory: C:/asset/jruby- ext make DESTDIR\= clean current directory: C:/asset/jruby- ext make DESTDIR\= make failedCannot run program "make" (in directory "C:\asset\jruby-\lib\r uby\gems\shared\gems\sassc-2.4.0\ext"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

Gem files will remain installed in C:/asset/jruby- ems/sassc-2.4.0 for inspection. Results logged to C:/asset/jruby- al-java-1.8/2.6.0/sassc-2.4.0/gem_make.out

TheSynthMaster commented 1 year ago

The problem is the requirement of sassc-rails, if I delete that requirement the gem is installed (but it does not work because it still requires sassc for some reason). I have version 5.0.6 and it does not require sassc. That was introduced in 6.0.0 beta 2 (why? jruby was forgotten?)

ahorek commented 1 year ago

SassC requires a C compiler.

install a devkit https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ run ridk enable jruby -S gem install sassc

this way you should be able to install and use the gem on JRuby + Windows. see https://github.com/sass/sassc-ruby/issues/182

there are ways that could improve the situation and remove the requirement, but it's unlikely to ever happen since the gem isn't maintained anymore.