rails / solid_queue

Database-backed Active Job backend
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SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError #333

Open gczh opened 2 months ago

gczh commented 2 months ago

I setup my solid_queue.yml to run a recurring task every 30s that checks for records to sync

default: &default
    - polling_interval: 1
      batch_size: 500
          class: SyncRecordsJob
          schedule: "*/30 * * * * *"
    - queues: "*"
      threads: 3
      processes: <%= ENV.fetch("JOB_CONCURRENCY", 1) %>
      polling_interval: 0.1

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

The SyncRecordsJob does a SyncBatchJob.perform_later(record_ids) and it's expected to take some time to run as they have to process quite a number of records (aprox 30s - 1min).

This has been deployed to Render on a $25/mo instance with 1 CPU and 2GB RAM. Initially, on deploy, some of the jobs execute successfully after some time, SyncRecordsJob accumulates in the In Progress list and seems to never process. They don't seem to accumulate anymore either.

~Locally, these jobs run well and don't seem to have any issues.~ Locally, it seems that the recurring job is getting enqueued but never executing. Here's what I see from Mission Control in production for the jobs that failed:

CleanShot 2024-09-08 at 18 20 16@2x


  1. Are there ways to debug this?
  2. Is it a matter of not having enough resources?
rosa commented 2 months ago

Looks like the workers processing these jobs are crashing or being killed somehow. Can you access logs in that instance to see what it might be?

rosa commented 2 months ago

Locally, it seems that the recurring job is getting enqueued but never executing.

Do you have local logs for what your Solid Queue worker is doing?

gczh commented 2 months ago

Looks like the workers processing these jobs are crashing or being killed somehow. Can you access logs in that instance to see what it might be?

@rosa i'm trying that now. Looking at the docs to see how I could mute the solid_queue logs as they're drowning out my local logs šŸ˜†

rosa commented 2 months ago

config.solid_queue.silence_polling option is set to true by default, so you shouldn't see the polling queries (which are usually the most noisy). Then you can also set a separate logger for Solid queue via config.solid_queue.logger, by default is Rails.logger. You can use a higher level there, such as:

config.solid_queue.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT, level: :info)
rosa commented 2 months ago

Or if you want to mute the Solid Queue logs completely, you can set:

config.solid_queue.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(nil)
gczh commented 2 months ago

@rosa thanks for those! I managed to get use the logs to figure out what was happening.

What happened was that the job was trying to find records to sync, but there weren't any (due to a faulty where clause)

However, it's still odd that the job would throw a SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError instead of being marked as completed.

rosa commented 2 months ago

However, it's still odd that the job would throw a SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError instead of being marked as completed.

Yes, that's what would happen. SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError is not thrown by the job. That's done by Solid Queue when the worker that's processing that job terminates ungraciously. In that case above, it terminated with an error exit code (1). Something external to Solid Queue is most likely killing that worker, but you might not see that locally because it might happen only in your Render instance. That's where you need to investigate to find out why the worker is crashing like that.

dglancy commented 2 months ago

@rosa When we're deploying new version of our app, we kill off the queue by running sudo systemctl restart solid_queue which effectively runs a /bin/kill -TSTP $MAINPID command that is triggering a SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError for any jobs that are currently executing/running.

Is there a more graceful way to restart the queue that we should be doing? We have all the processes (supervisor, scheduler, workers, etc) running on the one machine.

Appreciate your thoughts on graceful shutdown of executing jobs. Especially as we have some long running ones.

rosa commented 2 months ago

Hey @dglancy! Could you send a TERM or INT signal to the process as described here? That, combined with SolidQueue.shutdown_timeout, will try a graceful termination first, so workers won't pick any more jobs, and will try to finish what they're doing. If they can't finish, the jobs will be released back and shouldn't fail with a ProcessExitError.

hahwul commented 1 month ago

Hi @rosa I've also been experiencing this issue since I recently updated the solid_queue version. I don't have any logs either, so I'm currently investigating from various angles. If I come across any useful information, I'll definitely share it with you :)

elia commented 1 month ago

We got a similar error when ActiveRecord could not obtain a connection from the pool, we share a Postgres DB between the app and SQ, with 3 workers using each 20 threads and a DB pool size of 20 as well.

/usr/local/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/gems/activerecord- `block in wait_poll': could not obtain a connection from the pool within 5.000 seconds (waited 5.010 seconds); all pooled connections were in use (ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError)

We're still investigating the issue, although we have a hunch that SQ might need a few more connections for supporting processes/threads. AFAIK the pool should be per-process, but I also need to double check on that.

Anyway my understanding is that if the worker has no access to the database it will hardly be able to store the exception details and the supervisor will just see the process being terminated. @rosa (šŸ‘‹ā•) what do you think about suggesting to check the worker logs in the error message?

Process pid=8646 exited unexpectedly. Exited with status 1. Check the worker logs for further details.