rails / tailwindcss-rails

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Debugger hangs when I use the watcher as plugin! #348

Closed loqimean closed 3 months ago

loqimean commented 3 months ago

Hi, I found it not on time but now, after research, I see that Puma plugin for Tailwind CSS compiling hangs on my debugger! So, it's so difficult, that I cannot to write even one word server, because with plugin I wrote sv, but when I comment a plugin - server

Rails: 7.x Ruby: 3.x tailwindcss-rails: latest

flavorjones commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/rails/tailwindcss-rails/discussions/346

flavorjones commented 3 months ago

See https://github.com/rails/tailwindcss-rails?tab=readme-ov-file#lost-keystrokes-or-hanging-when-using-rubydebug-with-the-puma-plugin for a workaround.