rails / thor

Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
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use the correct class for shared namespaces #754

Closed Gerst20051 closed 1 year ago

Gerst20051 commented 2 years ago

check commands to find the correct class when multiple classes have the same namespace

this is related to https://github.com/rails/thor/issues/246 and https://github.com/rails/thor/pull/247

I'm assuming the intention was to allow multiple classes to use the same namespace. I guess I don't understand the reasoning for the namespace if it can only be used for a single class.


dorner commented 2 years ago

@Gerst20051 can you add a unit test for this?

jb08 commented 2 years ago

I'm assuming the intention was to allow multiple classes to use the same namespace. I guess I don't understand the reasoning for the namespace if it can only be used for a single class.


hmistry commented 2 years ago

@Gerst20051 I couldn't push these updates to your fork+branch. Branch is ok to rebase to current Rails:Thor:main branch - no conflicts. Add this test and then PR is ready to merge. No updates to documentation needed as this is a bug fix.

Here is the test for this fix:

# File: spec/fixtures/script.thor
# add this at the bottom
class Apple < Thor
  namespace :fruits
 desc 'apple', 'apple'; def apple; end

class Pear < Thor
  namespace :fruits
 desc 'pear', 'pear'; def pear; end

# File: spec/util_spec.rb in L91
# add this test in the #find_class_and_command_by_namespace describe block
  describe "#find_class_and_command_by_namespace" do
    # .... existing tests
    it "returns correct Thor class and the command name when shared namespaces" do
      expect(Thor::Util.find_class_and_command_by_namespace("fruits:apple")).to eq([Apple, "apple"])
      expect(Thor::Util.find_class_and_command_by_namespace("fruits:pear")).to eq([Pear, "pear"])

# File: spec/base_spec.rb in L193
# add `Apple`, `Pear` to the expected list
    it "returns tracked subclasses, grouped by the files they come from" do
      thorfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "script.thor")
      expect(Thor::Base.subclass_files[File.expand_path(thorfile)]).to eq([
        MyScript, MyScript::AnotherScript, MyChildScript, Barn,
        PackageNameScript, Scripts::MyScript, Scripts::MyDefaults,
        Scripts::ChildDefault, Scripts::Arities, Apple, Pear


hmistry commented 2 years ago

@dorner Add unit tests, please review... LGTM

hmistry commented 1 year ago

Hi @rafaelfranca, @dorner, @deivid-rodriguez. Any chance this can be reviewed soon and merged so it's in the next release? This bug impacts our ability to organize thor tasks in our project into manageable grouped namespaces.

Gerst20051 commented 1 year ago

@dorner can you help move this along? how should we proceed to get this released?

dorner commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I'm not an admin here - @rafaelfranca is the closest thing we have to an active admin and he's sadly pretty busy. :(

hmistry commented 1 year ago

@rafaelfranca Thank you for merging this in and refactoring it. We look forward to seeing it in the next release and start using namespaces across classes. 🙏