rails / thor

Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
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String Enums concatenate values when repeatable #847

Closed mslinn closed 1 year ago

mslinn commented 1 year ago

This demo program lives in a project with Thor v1.2.2 as a dependency:

require 'thor'

class Cli < Thor
  desc 'test NAME', 'I do not exist therefore I am confused.'

  method_option :type, type: :string, default: 'tag', enum: %w[tag block generator], 
    repeatable: true, desc: 'Specifies the types of plugin.'

  def test
    puts options[:type]


When called this way:

$ ruby lib/test.rb test --type block

Then options has value {"type"=>"tagblock"}, which is an error.

However, if repeatable: false (or is not specified), then options has value {"type"=>"block"}, as it should.

rafaelfranca commented 1 year ago

This is indeed a bug. Mind to send a PR?

mslinn commented 1 year ago

I will leave that to others

jmpage commented 1 year ago

The given case does print the following deprecation warning on thor v1.2.2:

Deprecation warning: Expected array default value for '--type'; got "tag" (string).
This will be rejected in the future unless you explicitly pass the options `check_default_type: false` or call `allow_incompatible_default_type!` in your code
You can silence deprecations warning by setting the environment variable THOR_SILENCE_DEPRECATION.

With check_default_type: true set on the options, the validity of the default option is properly evaluated, resulting in the following error and a non-zero exit code:

Expected array default value for '--type'; got "tag" (string) (ArgumentError)

Given the presence of the deprecation warning, it appears that the usage of repeatable is not intended to be used with a default that is anything other than an Array or Hash. Is this worth a patch given that this will presumably be validated in the future?

mslinn commented 1 year ago

This sounds like you are asking if Strings should be able to be validated against an array of allowable values. I think it is obvious that this ability is valuable. Apparently, YMMV.

jmpage commented 1 year ago

No, I don't think that that's a fair assessment of what I wrote, especially given my last paragraph:

it appears that the usage of repeatable is not intended to be used with a default that is anything other than an Array or Hash

To elaborate:

  1. The input option is being validated as a member of the enum. This can be verified by providing a value outside the enum and observing an error such as: Expected '--type' to be one of tag, block, generator; got not-in-enum
  2. The bug is not with enum validation itself (it's clearly doing this, see the previous point) but that it's erroneously concatenating the input to the option's default because it expects that default to be an array (see the deprecation warning from my previous comment)
mslinn commented 1 year ago

This conclusion may be correct, but it is not helpful. Strings need to be constrained to a list of acceptable values also.

On 2023-06-12 9:45 p.m., Jennifer Page wrote:

it appears that the usage of repeatable is not intended to be used with a default that is anything other than an Array or Hash

rafaelfranca commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the investigation @jmpage.

@jmpage is correct. The option definition should be:

 method_option :type, type: :string, default: ['tag'], enum: %w[tag block generator], 
    repeatable: true, desc: 'Specifies the types of plugin.'


 method_option :type, type: :string, default: 'tag', enum: %w[tag block generator], 
    repeatable: true, desc: 'Specifies the types of plugin.'