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Custom Jquery functions is not working #1503

Closed NSLog0 closed 6 years ago

NSLog0 commented 6 years ago

Hi. I'm new with webpacker. My application used template admin that has been created by jquery which mean they have a custom functions for an effect and some process of elements.

This is they code

  if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
    throw new Error('jQuery plugins need to be before this file');

  $.AdminBSB = {};
  $.AdminBSB.options = {
    colors: {
      red: '#F44336',
      pink: '#E91E63',
      purple: '#9C27B0',
      deepPurple: '#673AB7',
      indigo: '#3F51B5',
      blue: '#2196F3',
      lightBlue: '#03A9F4',
      cyan: '#00BCD4',
      teal: '#009688',
      green: '#4CAF50',
      lightGreen: '#8BC34A',
      lime: '#CDDC39',
      yellow: '#ffe821',
      amber: '#FFC107',
      orange: '#FF9800',
      deepOrange: '#FF5722',
      brown: '#795548',
      grey: '#9E9E9E',
      blueGrey: '#607D8B',
      black: '#000000',
      white: '#ffffff'
    leftSideBar: {
      scrollColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
      scrollWidth: '4px',
      scrollAlwaysVisible: false,
      scrollBorderRadius: '0',
      scrollRailBorderRadius: '0',
      scrollActiveItemWhenPageLoad: true,
      breakpointWidth: 1170
    dropdownMenu: {
      effectIn: 'fadeIn',
      effectOut: 'fadeOut'

  /* Left Sidebar - Function =================================================================================================
*  You can manage the left sidebar menu options
  $.AdminBSB.leftSideBar = {
    activate: function() {
      let _this = this;
      let $body = $('body');
      let $overlay = $('.overlay');

      // Close sidebar
      $(window).click(e => {
        let $target = $(e.target);

        if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i') {
          $target = $(e.target).parent();

        if (
          !$target.hasClass('bars') && _this.isOpen() && $target.parents('#leftsidebar').length === 0
        ) {
          if (!$target.hasClass('js-right-sidebar')) {

      $.each($('.menu-toggle.toggled'), (i, val) => {

      // When page load
      $.each($('.menu .list li.active'), (i, val) => {
        let $activeAnchors = $(val).find('a:eq(0)');


      // Collapse or Expand Menu
      $('.menu-toggle').on('click', function(e) {
        let $this = $(this);
        let $content = $this.next();

        if ($($this.parents('ul')[0]).hasClass('list')) {
          let $not = $(e.target).hasClass('menu-toggle') ? e.target : $(e.target).parents('.menu-toggle');

            (i, val) => {
              if ($(val).is(':visible')) {


      // Set menu height
      $(window).resize(() => {

      // Set Waves
      Waves.attach('.menu .list a', ['waves-block']);
    setMenuHeight: function(isFirstTime) {
      if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll != 'undefined') {
        let configs = $.AdminBSB.options.leftSideBar;
        let height = $(window).height() - ($('.legal').outerHeight() + $('.user-info').outerHeight() + $('.navbar').innerHeight());
        let $el = $('.list');

          height: `${height}px`,
          color: configs.scrollColor,
          size: configs.scrollWidth,
          alwaysVisible: configs.scrollAlwaysVisible,
          borderRadius: configs.scrollBorderRadius,
          railBorderRadius: configs.scrollRailBorderRadius

        // Scroll active menu item when page load, if option set = true
        if ($.AdminBSB.options.leftSideBar.scrollActiveItemWhenPageLoad) {
          let activeItemOffsetTop = $('.menu .list li.active')[0].offsetTop;

          if (activeItemOffsetTop > 150) {
            $el.slimscroll({ scrollTo: `${activeItemOffsetTop}px` });
    checkStatuForResize: function(firstTime) {
      let $body = $('body');
      let $openCloseBar = $('.navbar .navbar-header .bars');
      let width = $body.width();

      if (firstTime) {
          .find('.content, .sidebar')
          .queue(function() {

      if (width < $.AdminBSB.options.leftSideBar.breakpointWidth) {
      } else {
    isOpen: function() {
      return $('body').hasClass('overlay-open');
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Right Sidebar - Function ================================================================================================
*  You can manage the right sidebar menu options
  $.AdminBSB.rightSideBar = {
    activate: function() {
      let _this = this;
      let $sidebar = $('#rightsidebar');
      let $overlay = $('.overlay');

      // Close sidebar
      $(window).click(e => {
        let $target = $(e.target);

        if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i') {
          $target = $(e.target).parent();

        if (
          !$target.hasClass('js-right-sidebar') && _this.isOpen() && $target.parents('#rightsidebar').length === 0
        ) {
          if (!$target.hasClass('bars')) {

      $('.js-right-sidebar').on('click', () => {
        if (_this.isOpen()) {
        } else {
    isOpen: function() {
      return $('.right-sidebar').hasClass('open');
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Searchbar - Function ================================================================================================
*  You can manage the search bar
  let $searchBar = $('.search-bar');

  $.AdminBSB.search = {
    activate: function() {
      let _this = this;

      // Search button click event
      $('.js-search').on('click', () => {

      // Close search click event
      $searchBar.find('.close-search').on('click', () => {

      // ESC key on pressed
      $searchBar.find('input[type="text"]').on('keyup', e => {
        if (e.keyCode == 27) {
    showSearchBar: function() {
    hideSearchBar: function() {
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Navbar - Function =======================================================================================================
*  You can manage the navbar
  $.AdminBSB.navbar = {
    activate: function() {
      let $body = $('body');
      let $overlay = $('.overlay');

      // Open left sidebar panel
      $('.bars').on('click', () => {
        if ($body.hasClass('overlay-open')) {
        } else {

      // Close collapse bar on click event
      $('.nav [data-close="true"]').on('click', () => {
        let isVisible = $('.navbar-toggle').is(':visible');
        let $navbarCollapse = $('.navbar-collapse');

        if (isVisible) {
          $navbarCollapse.slideUp(() => {
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Input - Function ========================================================================================================
*  You can manage the inputs(also textareas) with name of class 'form-control'
  $.AdminBSB.input = {
    activate: function() {
      // On focus event
      $('.form-control').focus(function() {

      // On focusout event
      $('.form-control').focusout(function() {
        let $this = $(this);

        if ($this.parents('.form-group').hasClass('form-float')) {
          if ($this.val() == '') {
        } else {

      // On label click
      $('body').on('click', '.form-float .form-line .form-label', function() {

      // Not blank form
      $('.form-control').each(function() {
        if ($(this).val() !== '') {
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Form - Select - Function ================================================================================================
*  You can manage the 'select' of form elements
  $.AdminBSB.select = {
    activate: function() {
      if ($.fn.selectpicker) {
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* DropdownMenu - Function =================================================================================================
*  You can manage the dropdown menu

  $.AdminBSB.dropdownMenu = {
    activate: function() {
      let _this = this;

      $('.dropdown, .dropup, .btn-group').on({
        'show.bs.dropdown': function() {
          let dropdown = _this.dropdownEffect(this);

          _this.dropdownEffectStart(dropdown, dropdown.effectIn);
        'shown.bs.dropdown': function() {
          let dropdown = _this.dropdownEffect(this);

          if (dropdown.effectIn && dropdown.effectOut) {
            _this.dropdownEffectEnd(dropdown, () => {});
        'hide.bs.dropdown': function(e) {
          let dropdown = _this.dropdownEffect(this);

          if (dropdown.effectOut) {
            _this.dropdownEffectStart(dropdown, dropdown.effectOut);
            _this.dropdownEffectEnd(dropdown, () => {

      // Set Waves
      Waves.attach('.dropdown-menu li a', ['waves-block']);
    dropdownEffect: function(target) {
      let effectIn = $.AdminBSB.options.dropdownMenu.effectIn,
        effectOut = $.AdminBSB.options.dropdownMenu.effectOut;
      let dropdown = $(target),
        dropdownMenu = $('.dropdown-menu', target);

      if (dropdown.length > 0) {
        let udEffectIn = dropdown.data('effect-in');
        let udEffectOut = dropdown.data('effect-out');

        if (udEffectIn !== undefined) {
          effectIn = udEffectIn;
        if (udEffectOut !== undefined) {
          effectOut = udEffectOut;

      return {
        target: target,
        dropdown: dropdown,
        dropdownMenu: dropdownMenu,
        effectIn: effectIn,
        effectOut: effectOut
    dropdownEffectStart: function(data, effectToStart) {
      if (effectToStart) {
        data.dropdownMenu.addClass('animated dropdown-animated');
    dropdownEffectEnd: function(data, callback) {
      let animationEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend';

      data.dropdown.one(animationEnd, () => {
        data.dropdownMenu.removeClass('animated dropdown-animated');

        if (typeof callback == 'function') {
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  /* Browser - Function ======================================================================================================
*  You can manage browser
  let edge = 'Microsoft Edge';
  let ie10 = 'Internet Explorer 10';
  let ie11 = 'Internet Explorer 11';
  let opera = 'Opera';
  let firefox = 'Mozilla Firefox';
  let chrome = 'Google Chrome';
  let safari = 'Safari';

  $.AdminBSB.browser = {
    activate: function() {
      let _this = this;
      let className = _this.getClassName();

      if (className !== '') {
    getBrowser: function() {
      let userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

      if (/edge/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return edge;
      } else if (/rv:11/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return ie11;
      } else if (/msie 10/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return ie10;
      } else if (/opr/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return opera;
      } else if (/chrome/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return chrome;
      } else if (/firefox/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return firefox;
      } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/)) {
        return safari;

      return undefined;
    getClassName: function() {
      let browser = this.getBrowser();

      if (browser === edge) {
        return 'edge';
      } else if (browser === ie11) {
        return 'ie11';
      } else if (browser === ie10) {
        return 'ie10';
      } else if (browser === opera) {
        return 'opera';
      } else if (browser === chrome) {
        return 'chrome';
      } else if (browser === firefox) {
        return 'firefox';
      } else if (browser === safari) {
        return 'safari';
      } else {
        return '';
  // ==========================================================================================================================

  $(() => {

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 50);

and This is my code at javascript/pack/application.js

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

//------------------------ this import for template required
import 'jquery/src/jquery';
import 'moment/src/moment';
import 'jquery-sparkline/jquery.sparkline';
import 'jquery-countto/jquery.countTo';
import 'jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll';
import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min';
import 'bootstrap-select/js/bootstrap-select';
import 'node-waves/dist/waves';
import 'raphael/raphael.min';
import 'chart.js/dist/Chart.bundle';
import 'morris.js/morris.min';
import 'flot-charts/jquery.flot';
import 'flot-charts/jquery.flot.resize';
import 'flot-charts/jquery.flot.pie';
import 'flot-charts/jquery.flot.categories';
import 'flot-charts/jquery.flot.time';

//-------------------------------- here is problem file
import './libs/template_custom';

import AdminIndex from './pages/admins/index';
import DeviceIndex from './pages/devices/index';
import Index from './pages/index';

console.log('Hello World from Webpacker');

const RouterMains = () => (
      <Route exact path="/" component={Index} />
      <Route exact path="/admins" component={AdminIndex} />
      <Route exact path="/devices" component={DeviceIndex} />

document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => {
  ReactDOM.render(<RouterMains />, document.getElementById('root'));

The problem is when I click to other page and back to home page by clicking back link or use browser button. The /libs/template_custom dosen't working every function on page and effect are broken. The only way to get it to work is refresh page but is not a good idea

For this problem I guess the DOM isn't reload or re-render which mean my scripts that imported aren't execute but it so wired because I tried to call functions from file that I imported (every file) on browser console it's work except the /libs/template_custom

I tried this

document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => {
 // ..... custom function .......

It's not working too.

Dose anyone ever faced kind of problem like this? Help me please

NSLog0 commented 6 years ago

It's my fault and I will close issues. The problem is I created router are separated with the layout file and I changed to

      <Route exact path="/admins" component={AdminIndex} />
      <Route exact path="/devices" component={DeviceIndex} />

All my JQuery script working every page and no need more setting