railsadminteam / rails_admin

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
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i18n for main show_action #569

Closed tct closed 13 years ago

tct commented 13 years ago

Please apply this small patch:

diff --git a/app/views/rails_admin/main/list.html.haml b/app/views/rails_admin/main/list.html.haml
index 1f9accc..3725b0e 100644
--- a/app/views/rails_admin/main/list.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/rails_admin/main/list.html.haml
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
                 - other_right = rails_admin_list_path(params.except("set").merge(:model_name => @abstract_model.to_param, :set => params[:set].to_i + 1))
                 %td.other.right{ :style => "#{'display: none' if @other.include?("right")}" }= link_to "...", other_right, :remote => true
-                  = action_icon(rails_admin_show_path(@abstract_model, object.id), :show, "Show")
+                  = action_icon(rails_admin_show_path(@abstract_model, object.id), :show, t("admin.list.show_action"))
                   - if can_edit
                     = action_icon(edit_path, :edit, t("admin.list.edit_action"))
                   - if authorized? :delete, @abstract_model, object
gunn commented 13 years ago

Hi @tct, it looks good. Do you think you could make it a pull request?

tct commented 13 years ago

Sorry @gunn, I only use GitHub for bug reporting.

gunn commented 13 years ago

Okay done. Just curious @tct, you clearly know how to use git and github, why not use it for more than bug reporting?

tct commented 13 years ago

Thanks, @gunn. I am really here for free software and GitHub is not yet, so I only use it for bug reporting. It might sound stupid, I know. :-)

tct commented 13 years ago

I find it annoying that I receive notifications in GitHub when I would only want them sent by e-mail. AFAIK, I can't change this behaviour from the web interface.

And I would very like to be able to add attachments to issues for sending patches (yes, I know, pull, push and send pull request). But again, I can't run my own GitHub and I can't modify it's behaviour as I would like. I am not in control.

BTW I find it interesting that we use decentralized VCS like git but depend on a centralized web platform to contribute. :-)

gunn commented 13 years ago

I understand wanting to stay with free software, having said that github gives us free git hosting with no drawbacks that I can think of. Once you have a repo you can pretend the web interface doesn't exist and interact with it purely through the standard git CLI. Pull requests of course are something they've invented but as far as I know there's no standard alternative (apart from sending a "please pull from me" email), so this is only giving us options.

You can host your own repo elsewhere and make full use of git's distributed aspect, we can pull from you, merge, and push to our main repo. Pulling from gitorious would be nicer than merging patches I think.

tct commented 13 years ago

Sounds good, thanks @gunn. Next time I will post the URL to my git repo to pull the changes.