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Where workshop organizers can keep track of the workshops currently being planned.
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2015 SF Rails Workshop for Women at Engine Yard #41

Closed rachelmyers closed 9 years ago

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

The good folks at Engine Yard :steam_locomotive:, especially @alenia, :ok_woman: got in touch and are making this happen!

Here's a giant list of TODOs, this time with extra emoji! :tulip:

A few months out:

Once we have a venue/sponsor and organizers, we can:

One to two weeks out, we can:

After the workshop, we can:

alenia commented 9 years ago

I'm free Nov 14-15 and Oct 17-18, I'd prefer the november date though because I'm out of town first two weekends in October so I can't do much during non-work hours

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

I'm attending RubyConf the following week and was planning on heading to San Diego for that weekend as well. I'm available most other weekends in November!

alenia commented 9 years ago

How about Nov 7-8? I was going to go to New Orleans but flights are stupid expensive

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Nov 7-8 works for me!

alenia commented 9 years ago

Checked with @michelleN and Nov 7-8 works for her too

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

Does someone feel comfortable creating an event on BridgeTroll?? If not, I can do it! We should probably post it soonish. :smile_cat:

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

I heard that @alenia needs to step back from this for personal reasons. We can probably still make this happen, though. :muscle: @shanaclaire and @michelleN, could I work with you two to get this?? :four_leaf_clover:

aneyzberg commented 9 years ago

If any of you need any help organizing or anything, let me know. I can help :)

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

@aneyzberg, that would be great! I'm waiting to hear back from the Engine Yard folks to see if we can do this without @alenia, but if we can, I'd love another 4-organizer workshop!! :dancers: :four: :dancers:

aneyzberg commented 9 years ago

haha, yes! that would be awesome to replicate :) I'm in!

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was out of the office at a conference last week. We need 4 EY staffers to volunteer in order to be allowed to use the office for training. Working on getting someone to replace @alenia. I'll try to get someone by Monday/Tuesday so we have enough time to plan and execute!

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire Cool; thanks for letting us know. It sounds like we should probably plan on moving the workshop back then. :date:

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @rachelmyers I've been unable to get any EYers to bite on staffing the event. I think it would be best to move it back - unfortunately the following weekend doesn't work for me because I'll be out of town and the weekend after that is Thanksgiving. Other than that, I'm pretty available so feel free to pick a new date and I'll get to work finding EYers to staff! Thanks so much!

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire I totally understand. :+1: I think Nov 21st and 22nd is probably our best bet; the week after that is Thanksgiving. Let me know if it's easier to get people for that week. :)

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Okay. Give me a day or two to see if I can get the staffing!


alenia commented 9 years ago

I can likely be there judging from how I'm feeling today, but I'll let you guys know more closer to the date. Going to try to get engineers involved

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire Wanting to check on this, since Nov 21/22 are coming up very soon.

We could push this workshop back to December, too, if it's looking unlikely to come together.

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

@lilliealbert sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We had a big reorg recently and I had to make a last minute trip to Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent. If you are still interested in trying to make Nov 21/22 work, I think I can get the staffing together. However, in order to promote, it might be best to move it back to December. I'm widely available in December at this point and can work around your schedule. However, it's really up to you guys! I am so sorry for any inconvenience and I am so sorry if this has been difficult for you guys!

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @lilliealbert @rachelmyers I'm so sorry that this weekend didn't end up working out. Do you guys have a suggestion for a good week in December? Please let me know!!

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

Hi @shanaclaire — we might be having a front end workshop on Dec 6th, so I'd recommend 12/13 or 12/20.

Is there someone on your team that has experience with RailsBridge, or should we be trying to recruit another organizer to help?

rachelmyers commented 9 years ago

Hey, @alenia! Do you think you're :+1: or :-1: for helping out with this workshop? (If :-1: we can look for someone else to join @shanaclaire and @michelleN, for things like posting to Bridge Troll.)

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

Hey all! I'd like to introduce @ruchikakumar, the new SF chapter lead, and @learnemy, who is interested in organizing a Rails workshop on Saturday 12/13. Ruchika is going to be leading the charge with scheduling workshops moving forward, and is available to help figure out whether or not a December workshop at Engine Yard is plausible.

@shanaclaire, can you work with @ruchikakumar and @learnemy on this? I think if we can get the event posted to Bridge Troll by Wednesday, Dec 3, we should be able to get enough students & volunteers for the event.

aneyzberg commented 9 years ago

Also, if the date ends up working, @learnemy and @shanaclaire let me know what help you guys need on the organizing front :)

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Thanks @aneyzberg. Hi @learnemy - do you have time to chat tomorrow on the phone for 15 minutes?

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @ruchikakumar and @learnemy. I'm working on getting the necessary EY staff to allow us to use the office this weekend. The other events we were discussing would include Friday evening and all day Saturday. Just to be clear - is this event only Saturday?


ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Yes only Saturday.

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Installfest on Friday's is now virtual I believe - could you confirm @lilliealbert. Thanks!

aneyzberg commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, if it is a traditional workshop, Installfest would still need to happen on Friday evening.

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

Yeah, Installfests are definitely still in person for Rails worskhops, so we would need the space for several hours on Friday night (usually around 6-9pm) and all day Saturday (usually 9am-6pm).

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Anna Neyzberg notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey guys, if it is a traditional workshop, Installfest would still need to happen on Friday evening.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/41#issuecomment-65113424 .

Lillie Chilen @lilliealbert ('li-lee shuh-'leen)

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

And just to double check, @shanaclaire, when you say "this weekend", do you mean 12/12 and 12/13?

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Thanks for clarifying re installfest.

From: Lillie Chilen notifications@github.com Reply-To: railsbridge/organizing <reply+0017070ca16cc2e390b018f7ee345eb5afcffbbe0dbb73dc92cf000000011094a0899 2a169ce02a1190e@reply.github.com> Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:32:57 -0800 To: railsbridge/organizing organizing@noreply.github.com Cc: ruchikakumar ruchika@boutiika.com Subject: Re: [organizing] November (TBD) SF Rails Workshop for Women at Engine Yard (#41)

Yeah, Installfests are definitely still in person for Rails worskhops, so we would need the space for several hours on Friday night (usually around 6-9pm) and all day Saturday (usually 9am-6pm).

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Anna Neyzberg notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey guys, if it is a traditional workshop, Installfest would still need to happen on Friday evening.

‹ Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/41#issuecomment-65113424 .

Lillie Chilen @lilliealbert ('li-lee shuh-'leen)

‹ Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/41#issuecomment-65138370 .

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Hi @learnemy @shanaclaire do you have an update? I'm still available to connect this evening to discuss any specifics.

Learnemy commented 9 years ago

Hello hello! There's an iOS workshop happening on the same day (12th and 13th). Will that be a problem? @lilliealbert

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

There would be some overlap in volunteers / students, but I don't think too much. If we post it and not very many people sign up, we can just have a small workshop (or cancel it, if it's not worth the trouble for Engine Yard).

@aneyzberg, @rachelmyers, whaddya think about doing a Rails workshop at the same time as a MobileBridge iOS workshop is happening?

aneyzberg commented 9 years ago

I agree with @lilliealbert. I think there would be some overlap, but I think we should be able to get enough interest for both to happen successfully. Worst case scenario I think it would be a smaller workshop.

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

Unfortunately I am unable to get the necessary staffing for both Friday night and all day Saturday. I am so sorry for the inconveniences we've had so far. Would you guys like to pick a date in January? I'll make sure we get the appropriate staff and we'll be able to better plan

Thanks so much and sorry again!

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Hi Shana, no worries. How about January 9/10th or the following January 16/17th? Thanks.

Learnemy commented 9 years ago

Heya, I'm leaving California on the 21st Dec. I won't be able to organise it in Jan. :sob:

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

Once again SO sorry for the difficulties scheduling this thing. Is there anyway we can set something up for the last weekend in January? Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st?


lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire We already have a workshop scheduled for that weekend; maybe we can find something later in the year — maybe February or March?

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @lilliealbert Let's plan for February. Please let me know what weekend works best for you!


ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Hi @shanaclaire we have workshops already planned for Feb, would March work? Perhaps March 14th?

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @ruchikakumar Let's plan on March 14th. Would this include Friday, March 13th as well?


celestelayne commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire, we actually have space in February (20th/21st) to do an RoR workshop. It does include a Friday evening 2-hour installfest. Would this still work for you?

celestelayne commented 9 years ago

@shanaclaire if February doesn't work, we would love to do March 13th/14th

ruchikakumar commented 9 years ago

Hi @shanaclaire , yes typically it includes Friday. Are you set for March?!

shanaclaire commented 9 years ago

Hi @celestelayne and @ruchikakumar I'm currently checking on the February date and I'll let you know early next week. It doesn't look like March will work for us though. Thank you!

celestelayne commented 9 years ago

ok, thanks @shanaclaire looking forward to it.

lilliealbert commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue — if Engine Yard wants to host a workshop in the future, they should totally get in touch with the SF leadership team at SF@railsbridge.org and see what we can work out!
