railscamp / railscamp-germany-2013

RailsCamp Germany 2013
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Grillmaster / BBQ #10

Closed jhilden closed 9 years ago

jhilden commented 11 years ago

On Saturday evening we would like to have a BBQ and we need somebody to organize that.

I was thinking of @schorsch ;) Maybe @salesking might also be interested in sponsoring this?

raucao commented 11 years ago

Brätel Galore!

schorsch commented 11 years ago

Yes i'm in for it. Would need the number of peoples involved

jhilden commented 11 years ago

Awesome! We are planning to have 200 ppl there. The Kletterhalle already has one Gasgrill that we could rent, but I don't know how big it is.

thilo commented 11 years ago

costs would be interesting aswell.

jhilden commented 11 years ago

here is a pic of the grill they have grill

I guess we probably also need another one.

@schorsch could you maybe make a rough calculation of the costs, so we can start talking to sponsors? Maybe you can also look for somebody to help you. Any volunteers?

thegcat commented 11 years ago

I might be able to provide another one, roughly the same size, coal-powered. As it would need to be transported from Dortmund, I'd rather count it as a joker if everything else fails.

raucao commented 11 years ago

I'd vote for getting proper grass-fed meat or poultry directly from a farm. It's less expensive than it sounds:

http://www.freilandhof.com/produkte-bestellung/ http://www.naturlandhof-buening.de/html/produkt_preisliste.html

Maybe we can get discounts for our large order.

Anybody knows how many vegetarians to expect? Any ideas how to make the BBQ nice for them as well?

tandibar commented 11 years ago

We could also order Burgers from Freddy Schilling (http://www.freddyschilling.de) :-) They give you everything you need to build their Burgers on your own.

raucao commented 11 years ago

Please always add prices when suggesting these things. Otherwise we cannot vote/decide on it. Can you ask them?

tandibar commented 11 years ago

Just got a price: one Burger (all inclusive) for 8,70 EUR. I think this idea died in this very moment...

raucao commented 11 years ago

Yup. :)

One kg grass-fed organic Schnitzel costs like 10-12 bucks.

galfert commented 11 years ago

I can come up with some options for the vegetarians. I'm not a big fan of the typical "Fleischersatzprodukte", so I would rather prepare some stuff with vegetables, cheese and so on. Does the location have a kitchen that we can use?

Would be good to know the broad number of vegetarians and if we also need some vegan options. But I think that's already a question in the survey.

jhilden commented 11 years ago

Yes there is a kitchen at the venue. Anything in particular you need? Then I could check if it's there, the next time I'm at the venue.

jhilden commented 11 years ago

btw: We really need some (at least rough) calculations for the BBQ, so we can plan the budget for the event. Would be great if somebody could produce some numbers.

raucao commented 11 years ago

Well, we just need to know how much meat to get and what else we provide. The numbers for meat can be derived from the links I posted e.g., although I'm sure we can get a discount for ordering so much at once.

galfert commented 11 years ago

I don't need anything special. Just a proper knife and maybe 1-2 larger bowls.

schorsch commented 11 years ago

@jakob i talked to Tatijana and we estimated 380-450 € based on our last happenings. I scheduled to go shopping at handelshof on friday afternoon and will to prepare the Rostbrätl afterwards.

The list so far:

2013/7/4 Garret Alfert notifications@github.com

I don't need anything special. Just a proper knife and maybe 1-2 larger bowls.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/railscamp/railscamp-germany-2013/issues/10#issuecomment-20484756 .

galfert commented 11 years ago

Can someone tell me the number of vegetarians from the survey? Then I will come up with what and how much I need for the veggie options.

jhilden commented 11 years ago

These are the numbers from the survey:

Omnivore (SQ004)    27  61.36%    
Vegetarian (SQ001)  5   11.36%    
Vegan (SQ002)   1   2.27%     
Low carb (SQ003)    6   13.64%    

Other restrictions:

@galfert some numbers for the budget would be really good!

schorsch commented 11 years ago

es wird gegessen was auf den tisch kommt!

2013/7/15 Jakob Hilden notifications@github.com

These are the numbers from the survey:

Omnivore (SQ004) 27 61.36% Vegetarian (SQ001) 5 11.36% Vegan (SQ002) 1 2.27% Low carb (SQ003) 6 13.64%

Other restrictions:

  • Bacotarian
  • nut allergy
  • Laktose-intolerant
  • No frutti di Mare and no insides

@galfert https://github.com/galfert some numbers for the budget would be really good!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/railscamp/railscamp-germany-2013/issues/10#issuecomment-20987604 .

galfert commented 11 years ago

Hier mal meine Berechnungen für gefüllte Riesenchampignons und Gemüsespieße. Habe 20 Personen angesetzt. Ich denke das sollte reichen, oder? Und was übrig bleibt kann ja auch als Beilage zur Bratwurst gereicht werden. Ist sogar alles Low Carb ;)

@schorsch Bist du 'n Schätzelein und bringst mir das von deiner Einkaufstour beim Handelshof mit?

Die Preiseinschätzung für's Budget reiche ich nachher noch nach. Muss später selbst noch einkaufen und da kann ich dann die fehlenden Preise nachsehen.

schorsch commented 11 years ago

auf der liste

Am 17. Juli 2013 15:32 schrieb Garret Alfert notifications@github.com:

Hier mal meine Berechnungen für gefüllte Riesenchampignons und Gemüsespieße. Habe 20 Personen angesetzt. Ich denke das sollte reichen, oder? Und was übrig bleibt kann ja auch als Beilage zur Bratwurst gereicht werden. Ist sogar alles Low Carb ;)

  • 20 Riesenchampignons
  • 500g Cherrytomaten
  • 9 Paprika
  • 6 Zucchinis
  • 3 Auberginen
  • 3 Zwiebeln
  • 2 Gemüsezwiebeln
  • 3 Becher (à 200g) Crème Fraiche
  • 3 Packungen (à 250g) geriebenen Käse (Edamer, Emmentaler oder Gouda)
  • 3 Packungen (à 75g) Basilikum (gehackt aus der Tiefkühltruhe)
  • 20 Spieße
  • 1 Fl. Olivenöl
  • Rosmarin
  • Thymian
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer

@schorsch https://github.com/schorsch Bist du 'n Schätzelein und bringst mir das von deiner Einkaufstour beim Handelshof mit?

Die Preiseinschätzung für's Budget reiche ich nachher noch nach. Muss später selbst noch einkaufen und da kann ich dann die fehlenden Preise nachsehen.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/railscamp/railscamp-germany-2013/issues/10#issuecomment-21112706 .

galfert commented 11 years ago

@jhilden Preislich komme ich für's Veggie BBQ auf insgesamt knapp 50 Euro.

thilo commented 11 years ago

@schorsch satt das wir ne Rechung an Sales King stellen und davon denn die Zutaten kaufen kann du die auch einfach auf SalesKing Rechnung kaufen? spart verwaltung und kommt aufs selbe raus.

schorsch commented 11 years ago

@thilo geht leider nicht so einfach weil ich nicht das ganze BBQ bezahle. Ich will mir auch keine gedanken machen auf welche firmen, welcher teil der rechnung geht und ob diese firmen auch handelshofkarten haben.

Schreib mir eine Rechnung über 150€ sponsoring, gebt mir eine handelshofkarte und cash oder cc über das budget. btw. Tatjana kommt mit und bei den bisherigen events haben wir das über RL abgewickelt.

Am 18. Juli 2013 14:26 schrieb Thilo Utke notifications@github.com:

@schorsch https://github.com/schorsch satt das wir ne Rechung an Sales King stellen und davon denn die Zutaten kaufen kann du die auch einfach auf SalesKing Rechnung kaufen? spart verwaltung und kommt aufs selbe raus.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/railscamp/railscamp-germany-2013/issues/10#issuecomment-21179639 .

Uepsilon commented 11 years ago

Könnt ihr bitte Becher für das Wasser mitbringen?

jhilden commented 11 years ago

@galfert @schorsch We can use the kitchen at the venue and they have a limited supply of kitchenware, bowls etc. We just have to make sure that we clean the kitchen afterwards.

raucao commented 11 years ago

Yay. Will also make a salad or two.

galfert commented 11 years ago

Great. I forgot to ask if they have a pan. If not, can one of the locals bring one, please?

jhilden commented 11 years ago

We'll find out tomorrow.