railscamp / railscamp-germany-2013

RailsCamp Germany 2013
11 stars 6 forks source link

Twitter wall(s) #33

Closed raucao closed 9 years ago

raucao commented 11 years ago

Would be great if somebody could set up a Twitter wall on the Web somewhere, so we can put it on the screens and maybe switch automatically between the schedule grid and that. We'll use "rcg13" as the official hash tag.

galfert commented 11 years ago

If nobody else already has a favorite Twitter wall that we should use I could have a look to see what's available. I think something that also shows photos, for example from Flickr, would be nice.

jhilden commented 11 years ago

@galfert would be cool if you could look for something

Uepsilon commented 11 years ago

I've search the web a little bit but it seems there is no free version of a twitter wall that is capable of displaying pictures - except for those old ones with silverlight which i cannot get running with ubuntu ;).

I think ThinkWall seems nice from their videos but it is not free. I'll ask them to tell me what their prices are or if there can be manged something without payment and a logo on the twitterwall or so. Would that be Ok?

raucao commented 11 years ago

Just do it. No need to ask for permission.

Uepsilon commented 11 years ago

Hi Maxim

Thanks for contacting ThinkWall, the Rails Camp looks very interesting and we would be happy to work with you on it. Unfortunately we cannot offer the option of giving away ThinkWall in exchange for advertising our own logo, however you may give over as much space on the screen as you would like to to other brands; this is something that many of our previous clients have opted to do.

In terms of costs for the event, we charge £500 for the custom design of the ThinkWall screen, the training of you staff in how to use the software and the setup. We will then quote you for such things as the number of screens at the event, whether you would like on site support etc. A rough estimate for a small/medium sized event would be around £1000.

If you would like to learn more about ThinkWall then please let me know and I will be happy to set up a conference call at your convenience to discuss your event and desired setup. Please see below for some of our previous case studies.


Kind Regards


Damit hat sich das wohl erledigt... Bleibt also entweder OpenSource oder irgendwer baut schnell was schickes (was im Optimalfall auch Bilder kann ;))

galfert commented 11 years ago

Yer, that's also what I found. All the reasonably good ones put up some ridiculous prices.

I started to hack on a little app with Twitter and Flickr integration on the weekend. I think I can build something useable for the camp from that.

Uepsilon commented 11 years ago

If there is a problem with displaying the twitterwall (aka hardware?!), we may have a setup for another project which comes with at least some displays. We might use them to display the twitter-wall too (let's decide that during the event, setting it up should not take that long if the wall is running).

badboy commented 11 years ago

info-beamer was used at 29c3, is written in lua and comes with an already written twitter script. See http://info-beamer.org/, https://github.com/dividuum/info-beamer, https://github.com/dividuum/info-beamer-nodes

raucao commented 11 years ago

@badboy Sounds good!

colszowka commented 9 years ago
