railsgirls / FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki

Coaches and Organizers get together after Frozen Rails in Helsinki!
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Talks /discussion topics #10

Open anikalindtner opened 9 years ago

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

Let's talk about some things! If you want to talk/present/discuss something, just add it here, so that we can have a small overview of what will happen and can then structure it.

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago
alicetragedy commented 9 years ago


ialja commented 9 years ago
Lieke22 commented 9 years ago
alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

hej @lalja, that sounds cool! (also awesome to see that Miha is part of @codecatz, he's a great person) Maybe if you are interested, I could do a short talk about the tips I offer to our rails girls attendees in the form of a lightning talk at the events ("How to go on from here").

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

@Lieke22 I think that @idengager has some experience with that/a similar target group, she might be a good person to talk to about that. :)

vykster commented 9 years ago

Is like to talk about/here more about what makes for a good or bad workshop experience for attendees.

ialja commented 9 years ago

@Lieke22 Yes, that's an important topic! We've done a few RG workshops for high school girls, but it's very hard to get their attention, so a session to exchange tips and tricks would be most welcome!

@alicetragedy Miha thinks we eat too much chocolate and use too little Rails, so he's more of a moral supporter ;) But yeah, great person! And I think a session on how to go from here would certainly be useful for all - @ercchy also recently had a talk on that topic.

viddity commented 9 years ago

Looking forward to your proposals @all! we (= RG Frankfurt chapter = Silvia, Dani and me) could talk about what we did after realizing that even though getting attendees for 2 RG workshops was rather a piece of cake, and even though everybody seemed to have a terrific time at the workshops, we had a VERY hard time getting women motivated to come to regular Rails Girls meet-ups.