railsgirls / FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki

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Updating and reworking the workbooks #11

Open phenriettak opened 9 years ago

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

Hey, here some to-do:s, take your pic :

@anikalindtner @sareg0 @alicetragedy @Lieke22 @Silvia77 @carpodaster @idengager @ialja @ercchy @sparkica @viddity @vesan

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

Also: improving bento guide: @kristajessica and guides in general for coaches and organisers: all and @vesan

viddity commented 9 years ago

Hey fellas, i could work on the revision of the "investor deck" page. Do not remember what was suggested for "checklist for projects" but i'd simply come up with something open for discussion. This will take some time though. Sep./Oct. are pretty busy. Anyone wanna team? like 1-2 persons for feedback from, to not spam everybody when unsure?

Is there an illustrator file of the booklet available, we can work on?

carpodaster commented 9 years ago

I'm up for a glossary. I thought it would be a nice online reference anyway (don't know with whom I talked about it last weekend), explaining certain tech buzzwords with ~6 words. The printed version in the booklet could be a small subset of that reference (and link to the full and continously updated one). Yay or nay?

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

I'm up for pairing @viddity, if you want! I think I took some notes during the discussion (:

kellimichelesmith commented 9 years ago

I'm happy to proofread / be a "tester" for any new materials created. So, just let me know if you'd like me to review anything at all. :)

viddity commented 9 years ago

@alicetragedy @KelliOrrela awesome!

Lieke22 commented 9 years ago

I can work on the map of becoming a developer, cause I've been there myself :-) Anyone wants to team up? I can work on the text etc, but I'm not that good in designing a real map..

viddity commented 9 years ago

Maybe you all are aware, i wasn't, that the workbook is available here in inDesign format: https://github.com/railsgirls/railsgirls/tree/master/assets/workbook However, i can't open it, prob. due to my old CS4... would someone be able to downgrade it to a version openable with CS4?

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

https://www.facebook.com/TheLinuxFoundation/photos/a.132076923546.111657.41911143546/10152479381313547/?type=1&theater Hi hi how to become a linux sysadmin

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

@Lieke22 see previous

Silvia77 commented 9 years ago

@carpodaster If you need help with that, let me know :) I think that is a good Idea and can grow and be updated from time to time.

FloorD commented 9 years ago

@sareg0 and I have a pdf and html file of the cookbook available, which is probably more of use than the indesign files. Ping either of us to get your hands on those.

viddity commented 9 years ago

@FloorD @sareg0 ping :-)

sareg0 commented 9 years ago

@viddity hey hey would you like me to send the PDF to you? Perhaps Floor could upload it? I don't know how to put files other than images in issues... I am guessing a pull request with the PDF will need to be created.

viddity commented 9 years ago

hey hey yoursef ;-) whatever works best for you. PDF via mail maybe? no rush though

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

@sareg0 i think updloading it on dropbox and putting the link here would be awesome: https://github.com/railsgirls/railsgirls/issues/153 I'd rather not upload it to the repo, as it is super big already?

sareg0 commented 9 years ago

@anikalindtner indeed. The link is currently in that issue, @FloorD had troubles downloading it though. @viddity do you wanna pop over to #153. The link to both file types is there, althought from all reports the HTML file is not very usable.

lindaliukas commented 9 years ago

<3 <3 nice! and hahah, I had totally forgotten about the investor desk. good to see it go.


On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 8:46 PM, sareg0 notifications@github.com wrote:

@anikalindtner https://github.com/anikalindtner indeed. The link is currently in that issue, @FloorD https://github.com/FloorD had troubles downloading it though. @viddity https://github.com/viddity do you wanna pop over to #153. The link to both file types is there, althought from all reports the HTML file is not very usable.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsgirls/FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki/issues/11#issuecomment-57682194 .

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

Hey all! How are these coming along? I am meeting Karri next weekend and we thought of revising (finally) the design and putting this all together. Do you have your sections "publishable" so that we could open them up? We will try think of a format where they can much easier be updated and crowdsourced, even every time before printing. @sareg0 @anikalindtner @carpodaster @viddity

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

@phenriettak I've been terrible at getting this done, I don't know if @viddity got around to getting started on the checklist etc. which we were supposed to pair on. I have a pretty busy December but I will write to her and maybe we can get a sort of draft out to you before next weekend..

viddity commented 9 years ago

hey there! same direction of answer as yours @alicetragedy from my side as well, unfortunately... grrh. sorry!! but i take your move @phenriettak to get back to it. impossible this weekend, but have some train travel time within next week, that might work. @alicetragedy yeah let's get in direct contact!

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

@viddity :tada: :incoming_envelope:

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

FYI: I've made an attempt at adding a CS4-friendly version of the workbook to the materials like @viddity asked, maybe some of you will find it useful! It has been saved in a different format (only option available in InDesign) but it might help anyway.

viddity commented 9 years ago

@alicetragedy awesome. i'll email you regarding the rest

viddity commented 9 years ago

@alicetragedy would you have a look? https://github.com/railsgirls/railsgirls/commit/ed863c4e42dd0a26aebc84ed37c27dc049c0f8cb Changes/suggestions in the wb parts "checklist" and "investor deck" with the idea that it should sound more "my project" than "i will ship a product to customers" which was what I remember as being discussed.