railsgirls / FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki

Coaches and Organizers get together after Frozen Rails in Helsinki!
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Team #2 - Dinner Saturday #3

Open anikalindtner opened 9 years ago

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

Just assign yourself in here (just edit my comment):

Driver Kelli Orrela (@KelliOrrela) (has car! )

Ideas: 1) Simple Pasta&Pesto Desert? Cookies / Chocolate / Icecream to keep it easy

sparkica commented 9 years ago

Again... I'm willing to cook/help cooking :)

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

hi @sparkica, i've assigned you to this issue then :)

sparkica commented 9 years ago

hi @anikalindtner, thanks! I've left a comment in every cooking related issue, because I wanted to encourage others to assign themselves :) The offer still stands, though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

@sparkica awesome! you can jump in then at the site, when we need more helping hands then :D I've just assigned you here, since we kinda need fixed groups for the car pooling I guess

sparkica commented 9 years ago

I like both dinner ideas, but maybe (1) a little bit more as we have to prepare food for ~30 people :D -> that's a lot of veggies to chop if we go for (2).

phenriettak commented 9 years ago

Hey, the issues are not equal or alike and it depends on people how much effort they want to put in and how expensive or cheap drinks or dinner they want to make for people. Choose one thing you are willing to chip in financially and timewise please to make the issues clear. of course on site we will all help each other. :)

viddity commented 9 years ago

Let's go for pasta then ;-) I added Dani to the Team as we will be traveling together.

ialja commented 9 years ago

Moved @sparkica from this team, as she'll be traveling with another team :)

sareg0 commented 9 years ago

I'll help out with this team. Just assigned myself

phenriettak commented 9 years ago


phenriettak commented 9 years ago


these are the mentioned allergies, special diets etc. when you registered: 4 vegetarian 1 + no fish 1 Soy allergy 1 Histamin Lactose allergy 1 gluten-free 1 detest eggs if recognizable as eggs in food, if i got that right :-)

there is basic stuff like salt pepper oil available people count: 27

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

histamin means (in my case): no tomatoes, no pickled fish, no egg plant, no red wine. everything else is okay-ish / i can live through that without getting sick ;) And lactose-free milk would be good, but is not necessary.

viddity commented 9 years ago

We'll manage for smth nice on the table kids! http://gifs.joelglovier.com/excited/yes-excited-kids.gif