railsgirls / FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki

Coaches and Organizers get together after Frozen Rails in Helsinki!
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Team #4 - Brunch Sunday #5

Open anikalindtner opened 9 years ago

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

Just assign yourself in here (just edit my comment):

sparkica commented 9 years ago

And... yet again... I'm willing to cook/help cooking/preparing food :)

ialja commented 9 years ago

I'm terrible at cooking, but can follow instructions! :grimacing:

kristajessica commented 9 years ago

We could do a Finnish style Sunday brunch buffet with veggies, cold cuts, coffee, Karelian pies + toast, boiled eggs (or egg butter)...

ercchy commented 9 years ago

I can also help here, and in need of a ride as well. Please add me to this group, since I can't edit to add myself, thanks.

ercchy commented 9 years ago

Oh, I can cook a bit, can chop veggies, don't know what are cold cuts, know how to make Nescaffee coffee, never heard of Karelian pies (but know what toast is) and am willing and excited to know and prepare all that.... In a cabin, with grass roof somewhere in Finland, which I never been before in either...

Exciting times!

ialja commented 9 years ago

@sparkica @ercchy added you to the team :) @kristajessica: we're at your mercy! :wink:

ercchy commented 9 years ago

Woohoo. @kristajessica we promisse we will be of great help!

sparkica commented 9 years ago

Thanks @ercchy :) :wink:

st3fu commented 9 years ago

Please, add me to this group as well. I can't edit to do it myself (and remove me from Team #3 - Evening snack Sat)

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

Hi @st3fu, I added you to this group and removed you from https://github.com/railsgirls/FrozenRailsWeekendHelsinki/issues/4 :)

phenriettak commented 9 years ago


phenriettak commented 9 years ago


these are the mentioned allergies, special diets etc. when you registered: 4 vegetarian 1 + no fish 1 Soy allergy 1 Histamin Lactose allergy 1 gluten-free 1 detest eggs if recognizable as eggs in food, if i got that right :-)

there is basic stuff like salt pepper oil available people count: 27

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

histamin means (in my case): no tomatoes, no pickled fish, no egg plant, no red wine. everything else is okay-ish / i can live through that without getting sick ;) And lactose-free milk would be good, but is not necessary.

st3fu commented 9 years ago

Thanks @alicetragedy!

sareg0 commented 9 years ago

Cool. So all people prepping meals should take the allergy stuff into account. In the event that someone feels it's too risky to rely on others to get their allergy needs right, should they be counted on to just make sure they have a snack on hand... You know, so you don't go hungry if you choose not to eat the meal. We'll all do our best to account for allergies, but in case we miss something, you should make sure you have something 'safe' to nibble on.