railslove / rack-tracker

Tracking made easy: Don’t fool around with adding tracking and analytics partials to your app and concentrate on the things that matter.
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Syntax when using rack-tracker for both Google Analytics and Google Ads #129

Closed genlighten closed 4 years ago

genlighten commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to implement google ads conversion tracking using the gtag.js approach Google now advocates and rack-tracker now supports.

This is the syntax I've added in my production.rb file. Is this correct?

config.middleware.use(Rack::Tracker) do handler :google_analytics, { tracker: 'UA-12345678-1', ecommerce: true } handler :google_global, { trackers: [ { id: 'AW-123456789' } ] } end

Or should I just use a single google_global handler as the example in the rack-tracker documentation suggests, with two trackers, one with the google analytics ID and the other with the google ads ID?

Next I want to trigger a Google Ads conversion event when my leads submit the form on my landing page and are taken to a thank you page. The Google Ads docs seem to refer to this as an "event snippet" and they give an example that looks like this:

gtag('event', 'sign_up', { 'account_type': 'basic' // Optional data describing the type of account created by the user. });

How do I use rack-tracker to generate this type of event snippet from my controller?

Thanks very much,


bumi commented 5 years ago

did you see the source for google global? https://github.com/railslove/rack-tracker/tree/master/lib/rack/tracker/google_global support for events is missing though in google global, PRs are welcome ;)

I don't know the google trackers well, but ideally you use google global.

bumi commented 5 years ago

for event tracking with google global you can help review this PR: https://github.com/railslove/rack-tracker/pull/126 does that work for you?

genlighten commented 5 years ago

I'm afraid I'm very much a beginner with Rails, js and Google Ads. I'm not quite at the point where I feel confident attempting to review the pull request you reference or making my own PR. But thanks for being so encouraging!

bumi commented 5 years ago

ok, no worries. maybe you can test if that branch works for you? as it contains the events feature that you were asking for.