railtoolkit / TrainRuns.jl

TrainRun.jl will take a user-defined train and a path as an input for a train run calculation. It can calculate the train run as a time-efficient or energy-efficient operation mode. The results can then be used within the Julia environment.
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Split Settings #50

Open apriljunge opened 7 months ago

apriljunge commented 7 months ago

As for now Settings can be created by file and arguments in parallel. In my opinion this should be split in two functions. In the current implementation it is not very logic what happens when a file and custom arguments are specified on the same time (custom arguments are currently ignored).

I think there are two solutions:

1) Create a second overloaded Settings(). One for the file, One with parameters. Same like Path() 2) Create a second function Settings_from_file()

I prefer the second option, as it is more clear what it does. But then Path and Train should be adapted likewise.

kaat0 commented 7 months ago

As for now Settings can be created by file and arguments in parallel. In my opinion this should be split in two functions. In the current implementation it is not very logic what happens when a file and custom arguments are specified on the same time (custom arguments are currently ignored).

I agree!

I think there are two solutions:

  1. Create a second overloaded Settings(). One for the file, One with parameters. Same like Path()
  2. Create a second function Settings_from_file()

I prefer the second option, as it is more clear what it does. But then Path and Train should be adapted likewise.

I do see your point about the second option, but: I would prefer the overloaded solution for Settings() and Train() for the simplicity of having only to remember one function name and let the compiler do the work. A nice solution could be a forced Keyword-Argument for the file loading function to make it clear when used, e.g. Settings(file="my_mega_setting.yaml").