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Add Plausible Template #433

Closed ndneighbor closed 1 year ago

ndneighbor commented 1 year ago


Plausible is an analytics template designed for simple and privacy-friendly website tracking.




Create the Plausible template with easy deployment and minimal configuration. It should provide basic website analytics with a focus on user privacy. Ensure that users can track essential metrics like page views and referral sources. Comprehensive documentation will guide users in leveraging Plausible's analytics features effectively.

MykalMachon commented 1 year ago

I'm working on this now! Here's my repo. I will update here when I have a working and documented template.

MykalMachon commented 1 year ago

Alright! I've got a template published on Railway, and a GitHub repository for the template to keep track of setup guides and feedback.

If you or the team have any feedback, we can chat through that here and/or over email (my email is mykal@tinybox.dev).

Had fun working on this, despite a few holes in the Plausible self-hosting docs! Thanks for the opportunity y'all!

melissa-hale commented 1 year ago

Beautiful work @MykalMachon! Thank you for slogging through the Plausible docs and submitting a template that just works ✨

I do have a couple of requests with regard to the documentation -

  1. could you mention the optional variables and what they are used for? doesn't have to be verbose, just a comment about what happens if they aren't added, and maybe a pointer to the Plausible docs where they can read more?
  2. it would be amazing if you added some information about the project structure in the repo that is created. Again, doesn't have to be long-winded, just mention that there is a railway.json file that is being used to orchestrate things within Railway (so good)
  3. could you add a line about how PostGres and Clickhouse fit into the equation. same as above, nothing crazy just clarify that PostGres is being used to store user data and clickhouse for analytics data

Once you're done with those tweaks, please push your code into this repo (https://github.com/railwayapp-templates/plausible) and update the template configuration to point here. After that, send me an email at melissa@railway.app and I'll make one more pass at the template and start the payout process!

MykalMachon commented 1 year ago

Thank you @melissa-hale! Glad y'all liked what I have so far. Regarding changes, I'm getting to get to work on those now.