raimon49 / pip-licenses

Dump the license list of packages installed with pip.
MIT License
307 stars 43 forks source link

Failing tests test_format_csv, test_format_json, test_format_json_license_manager, and test_from_all #120

Open mcepl opened 2 years ago

mcepl commented 2 years ago

While packaging this for openSUSE, these four tests fail:

[    6s] =================================== FAILURES ===================================
[    6s] _______________________ TestGetLicenses.test_format_csv ________________________
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <test_piplicenses.TestGetLicenses testMethod=test_format_csv>
[    6s]
[    6s]     def test_format_csv(self):
[    6s]         format_csv_args = ['--format=csv', '--with-authors']
[    6s]         args = self.parser.parse_args(format_csv_args)
[    6s] >       output_string = create_output_string(args)
[    6s]
[    6s] test_piplicenses.py:455:
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s] piplicenses.py:533: in create_output_string
[    6s]     return table.get_string(fields=output_fields, sortby=sortby)
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <[TypeError('_format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given') raised in repr()] CSVPrettyTable object at 0x7f018d2e9f40>
[    6s] kwargs = {'fields': ['Name', 'Version', 'License', 'Author'], 'sortby': 'Name'}
[    6s] options = {'align': {'Author': 'c', 'License': 'c', 'Name': 'c', 'Version': 'c'}, 'attributes': {}, 'border': True, 'bottom_junction_char': '+', ...}
[    6s] rows = [['apipkg', '2.1.0', 'MIT License', 'holger krekel'], ['appdirs', '1.4.4', 'MIT License', 'Trent Mick'], ['attrs', '21...Software License', 'Jason R. Coombs'], ['iniconfig', '0.0.0', 'MIT License', 'Ronny Pfannschmidt, Holger Krekel'], ...]
[    6s]
[    6s]     def get_string(self, **kwargs):
[    6s]
[    6s]         def esc_quotes(val):
[    6s]             """
[    6s]             Meta-escaping double quotes
[    6s]             https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
[    6s]             """
[    6s]             try:
[    6s]                 return val.replace('"', '""')
[    6s]             except UnicodeDecodeError:  # pragma: no cover
[    6s]                 return val.decode('utf-8').replace('"', '""')
[    6s]             except UnicodeEncodeError:  # pragma: no cover
[    6s]                 return val.encode('unicode_escape').replace('"', '""')
[    6s]
[    6s]         options = self._get_options(kwargs)
[    6s]         rows = self._get_rows(options)
[    6s] >       formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows, options)
[    6s] E       TypeError: _format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
[    6s]
[    6s] piplicenses.py:384: TypeError
[    6s] _______________________ TestGetLicenses.test_format_json _______________________
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <test_piplicenses.TestGetLicenses testMethod=test_format_json>
[    6s]
[    6s]     def test_format_json(self):
[    6s]         format_json_args = ['--format=json', '--with-authors']
[    6s]         args = self.parser.parse_args(format_json_args)
[    6s] >       output_string = create_output_string(args)
[    6s]
[    6s] test_piplicenses.py:437:
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s] piplicenses.py:533: in create_output_string
[    6s]     return table.get_string(fields=output_fields, sortby=sortby)
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <[TypeError('_format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given') raised in repr()] JsonPrettyTable object at 0x7f018d2aab20>
[    6s] kwargs = {'fields': ['Name', 'Version', 'License', 'Author'], 'sortby': 'Name'}
[    6s] json = <module 'json' from '/usr/lib64/python3.9/json/__init__.py'>
[    6s] options = {'align': {'Author': 'c', 'License': 'c', 'Name': 'c', 'Version': 'c'}, 'attributes': {}, 'border': True, 'bottom_junction_char': '+', ...}
[    6s] rows = [['apipkg', '2.1.0', 'MIT License', 'holger krekel'], ['appdirs', '1.4.4', 'MIT License', 'Trent Mick'], ['attrs', '21...Software License', 'Jason R. Coombs'], ['iniconfig', '0.0.0', 'MIT License', 'Ronny Pfannschmidt, Holger Krekel'], ...]
[    6s]
[    6s]     def get_string(self, **kwargs):
[    6s]         # import included here in order to limit dependencies
[    6s]         # if not interested in JSON output,
[    6s]         # then the dependency is not required
[    6s]         import json
[    6s]
[    6s]         options = self._get_options(kwargs)
[    6s]         rows = self._get_rows(options)
[    6s] >       formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows, options)
[    6s] E       TypeError: _format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
[    6s]
[    6s] piplicenses.py:324: TypeError
[    6s] _______________ TestGetLicenses.test_format_json_license_manager _______________
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <test_piplicenses.TestGetLicenses testMethod=test_format_json_license_manager>
[    6s]
[    6s]     def test_format_json_license_manager(self):
[    6s]         format_json_args = ['--format=json-license-finder']
[    6s]         args = self.parser.parse_args(format_json_args)
[    6s] >       output_string = create_output_string(args)
[    6s]
[    6s] test_piplicenses.py:445:
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s] piplicenses.py:533: in create_output_string
[    6s]     return table.get_string(fields=output_fields, sortby=sortby)
[    6s] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <[TypeError('_format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given') raised in repr()] JsonLicenseFinderTable object at 0x7f018d05aac0>
[    6s] kwargs = {'fields': ['Name', 'Version', 'License'], 'sortby': 'Name'}
[    6s] json = <module 'json' from '/usr/lib64/python3.9/json/__init__.py'>
[    6s] options = {'align': {'License': 'c', 'Name': 'c', 'Version': 'c'}, 'attributes': {}, 'border': True, 'bottom_junction_char': '+', ...}
[    6s] rows = [['apipkg', '2.1.0', 'MIT License'], ['appdirs', '1.4.4', 'MIT License'], ['attrs', '21.4.0', 'MIT License'], ['docuti...ion License'], ['importlib-metadata', '4.10.1', 'Apache Software License'], ['iniconfig', '0.0.0', 'MIT License'], ...]
[    6s]
[    6s]     def get_string(self, **kwargs):
[    6s]         # import included here in order to limit dependencies
[    6s]         # if not interested in JSON output,
[    6s]         # then the dependency is not required
[    6s]         import json
[    6s]
[    6s]         options = self._get_options(kwargs)
[    6s]         rows = self._get_rows(options)
[    6s] >       formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows, options)
[    6s] E       TypeError: _format_rows() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
[    6s]
[    6s] piplicenses.py:356: TypeError
[    6s] ________________________ TestGetLicenses.test_from_all _________________________
[    6s]
[    6s] self = <test_piplicenses.TestGetLicenses testMethod=test_from_all>
[    6s]
[    6s]     def test_from_all(self):
[    6s]         from_args = ['--from=all']
[    6s]         args = self.parser.parse_args(from_args)
[    6s]         output_fields = get_output_fields(args)
[    6s]         table = create_licenses_table(args, output_fields)
[    6s]
[    6s]         self.assertIn('License-Metadata', output_fields)
[    6s]         self.assertIn('License-Classifier', output_fields)
[    6s]
[    6s]         index_license_meta = output_fields.index('License-Metadata')
[    6s]         license_meta = []
[    6s]         for row in table._rows:
[    6s]             license_meta.append(row[index_license_meta])
[    6s]
[    6s]         index_license_classifier = output_fields.index('License-Classifier')
[    6s]         license_classifier = []
[    6s]         for row in table._rows:
[    6s]             license_classifier.append(row[index_license_classifier])
[    6s]
[    6s]         for license in ('BSD', 'MIT', 'Apache 2.0'):
[    6s] >           self.assertIn(license, license_meta)
[    6s] E           AssertionError: 'BSD' not found in ['UNKNOWN', 'MIT', 'MIT', 'MIT', 'MIT License', 'MIT license', 'MIT', 'BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0', 'MIT-LICENSE', 'MIT', 'MIT License', 'UNKNOWN', 'public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt)', 'MIT', 'MIT', 'MIT']
[    6s]
[    6s] test_piplicenses.py:158: AssertionError
[    6s] =========================== short test summary info ============================
[    6s] FAILED test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_format_csv - TypeError: _fo...
[    6s] FAILED test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_format_json - TypeError: _f...
[    6s] FAILED test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_format_json_license_manager
[    6s] FAILED test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_from_all - AssertionError: ...
[    6s] ================== 4 failed, 40 passed, 2 deselected in 0.59s ==================

Complete build log shows all packages used and all steps taken to get here.

raimon49 commented 2 years ago

@mcepl This issue is probably the same as #119.

If possible, this can be solved by using the prettytable package 2.2.1 or lower in your environment.

mcepl commented 2 years ago

That probably cannot happen. We cannot pull whole distribution back just because of one package which is not super-important to us.

raimon49 commented 2 years ago

Yes, it would be difficult. Currently prettytable's internal compatibility is broken, and pip-licenses are not keeping up with the changes.

raimon49 commented 1 year ago

This issue has been resolved in pip-licenses 4.x https://pypi.org/project/pip-licenses/4.0.0/

mcepl commented 1 year ago

Not really:

[    9s] =================================== FAILURES ===================================
[    9s] ________________________ TestGetLicenses.test_from_all _________________________
[    9s] 
[    9s] self = <test_piplicenses.TestGetLicenses testMethod=test_from_all>
[    9s] 
[    9s]     def test_from_all(self):
[    9s]         from_args = ['--from=all']
[    9s]         args = self.parser.parse_args(from_args)
[    9s]         output_fields = get_output_fields(args)
[    9s]         table = create_licenses_table(args, output_fields)
[    9s]     
[    9s]         self.assertIn('License-Metadata', output_fields)
[    9s]         self.assertIn('License-Classifier', output_fields)
[    9s]     
[    9s]         index_license_meta = output_fields.index('License-Metadata')
[    9s]         license_meta = []
[    9s]         for row in table._rows:
[    9s]             license_meta.append(row[index_license_meta])
[    9s]     
[    9s]         index_license_classifier = output_fields.index('License-Classifier')
[    9s]         license_classifier = []
[    9s]         for row in table._rows:
[    9s]             license_classifier.append(row[index_license_classifier])
[    9s]     
[    9s]         for license in ('BSD', 'MIT', 'Apache 2.0'):
[    9s] >           self.assertIn(license, license_meta)
[    9s] E           AssertionError: 'BSD' not found in ['MIT License', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN', 'BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0', 'MIT', 'MIT', 'MIT', 'MIT license', 'MIT', 'public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt)']
[    9s] 
[    9s] test_piplicenses.py:190: AssertionError
[    9s] =============================== warnings summary ===============================
[    9s] test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_format_rst_default_filter
[    9s] test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_format_rst_without_filter
[    9s]   /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/pip-licenses-4.0.0/test_piplicenses.py:100: DeprecationWarning: The frontend.OptionParser class will be replaced by a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser in Docutils 0.21 or later.
[    9s]     settings = docutils.frontend.\
[    9s] 
[    9s] test_piplicenses.py: 136 warnings
[    9s]   /usr/lib64/python3.8/optparse.py:1000: DeprecationWarning: The frontend.Option class will be removed in Docutils 0.21 or later.
[    9s]     option = self.option_class(*args, **kwargs)
[    9s] 
[    9s] -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
[    9s] =========================== short test summary info ============================
[    9s] FAILED test_piplicenses.py::TestGetLicenses::test_from_all - AssertionError: ...
[    9s] ================== 1 failed, 50 passed, 138 warnings in 1.59s ==================

Complete build log

raimon49 commented 1 year ago

Oh, I had not anticipated this test case failure.

Thanks for the detailed log. I will reopen this issue.