rain-fighters / AudioPick

A Chrome Extension to pick a preferred audio output device for HTML5 audio and video elements
GNU General Public License v3.0
94 stars 21 forks source link

Not working in brave browser #42

Closed micsthepick closed 6 months ago

micsthepick commented 3 years ago

Tested with latest version of brave browser (chromium based) and with youtube and twitch, windows 10 1909 Selecting any output device has no effect, only plays through default device.

dmitrychepel commented 3 years ago

have the same issue on win 10 2004 chrome version 84.0.4147.135

micsthepick commented 3 years ago

@dmitrychepel it works fine in chrome for me, so it looks like you probably should open your own issue. I imagine this one will be closed (if it ever gets responded to) because this extension relies on some chrome (google) specific thing, but your issue is with chrome itself.

dmitrychepel commented 3 years ago

@micsthepick do you want to close it? if yes i will recreate issue.

micsthepick commented 3 years ago

@dmitrychepel I am not sure if this issue needs to be closed yet, I was predicting that it might, but you should still create a different issue, since your issue is specifically chrome, but my issue is specifically brave, and I am able to get chrome working fine

micsthepick commented 3 years ago

after changing permissions, it's working strange for me too, the device list seems to be out of order, I'll select one device, and it goes to a completely different one

tomocrafter commented 3 years ago

I'm getting same problem, Seems like it is failed at dom change (setSinkId). It will always throws DOMException which is thrown when cannnot use audio device.

micsthepick commented 3 years ago

I looked through the list of forks, and there seems to be one that gets this extension to work again, but it still has the out of order issue: https://github.com/parazite13/AudioPick

Fritomaster commented 3 years ago

still broken latest updates for both.

Vodianoi commented 3 years ago

It seems to be pretty random, selecting device is not sync with popup. Sometimes changing device actually change the selected device (not the good one but changing anyway), and other times it's keeping the same. It's working fine on Chrome, but on Brave, the devices seems to be selected randomly and popup is not sync. Maybe something's unauthorized ?

ailispaw commented 2 years ago

Hi, I realized that IDs of devices and their order are different between the page’s context and extension’s context. That's why it doesn't work or just a few devices do sometimes. I revised the code to use a device label instead of its order number. Hope it will work for you, too. https://github.com/ailispaw/AudioPick/tree/brave

rollingmoai commented 2 years ago

A more recent extension that is available on the Chrome Store is working for me: https://github.com/ish-/AuRo