rain-fighters / AudioPick

A Chrome Extension to pick a preferred audio output device for HTML5 audio and video elements
GNU General Public License v3.0
94 stars 21 forks source link

Chrome Store #48

Closed waseeen closed 6 months ago

waseeen commented 6 months ago

Why not update the extension in the Chrome Web Store right now? I am really excited about the new version and I'm already using it, but some browsers (if not all) restrict the use of extensions that were not installed from the official store (usually disable them every time you restart the browser)

necropola commented 6 months ago

There is still a bit of fine-tuning and testing needed. Especially regarding microphone permissions, which I would really like to minimize. And then I need to "explain to google", (again) why the extension needs those permissions, etc. and possibly wait for them to review it.

So, please be patient. As you can see, light is at the end of the tunnel. :-)

necropola commented 6 months ago

Keep an eye on #47, when you are interested in the current progress. My focus is currently

Closing this one ...