rainabba / jquery-table2excel

jQuery Plugin to export HTML tabled to Excel Spreadsheet Compatible Files
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use ie download file display function (predicate) #60

Open gy0857478 opened 7 years ago

gy0857478 commented 7 years ago

hi, I use ie11 download same xls file , but when i open , some function display on my table.

function (predicate) { if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined'); } if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } var list = Object(this); var length = list.length >>> 0; var thisArg = arguments[1]; var value; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = list[i]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, value, i, list)) { return value; } } return undefined; }
function (predicate) { if (this === null) { throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.findIndex called on null or undefined'); } if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } var list = Object(this); var length = list.length >>> 0; var thisArg = arguments[1]; var value; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = list[i]; if (predicate.call(thisArg, value, i, list)) { return i; } } return -1; }
function (searchElement /*, fromIndex*/) { var O = Object(this); var len = parseInt(O.length) || 0; if (len === 0) { return false; } var n = parseInt(arguments[1]) || 0; var k; if (n >= 0) { k = n; } else { k = len + n; if (k < 0) { k = 0; } } var currentElement; while (k < len) { currentElement = O[k]; if (searchElement === currentElement || searchElement !== searchElement && currentElement !== currentElement) { return true; } k++; } return false; }
gy0857478 commented 7 years ago

i solve this problem just add if statement.

if ($.isArray(table)) {
                for ( i in table ) {
                    //    fullTemplate += e.template.sheet.head + "{worksheet" + i + "}" + e.template.sheet.tail;
                    if ( i == 0 ) {

                        fullTemplate += e.template.sheet.head + sheetName + i + e.template.sheet.tail;