rainbow-me / rainbowkit

The best way to connect a wallet 🌈 🧰
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Connecting on mobile v2 #2058

Closed weber77 closed 2 days ago

weber77 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

RainbowKit Version


wagmi Version


Current Behavior

when I connect on mobile it opens in metamask but does prompt for connection


Expected Behavior


Steps To Reproduce

  1. follow link on a mobile browser:
  2. click connect wallet
  3. select metamask or walletconnect
  4. it opens in metamask but does prompt to confirm

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example (CodeSandbox, StackBlitz, etc.)


magiziz commented 2 weeks ago

@weber77 Seems to be a WalletConnect issue. Can you check if you've added your preview link to the "Allowed Domains" section in the WalletConnect dashboard ?

sniper365 commented 1 week ago

@weber77 Seems to be a WalletConnect issue. Can you check if you've added your preview link to the "Allowed Domains" section in the WalletConnect dashboard ?


Hey @weber77 It's working after allow domain. But new issue. When i click button that call metamask action, No action at metamask. Need another configuration?

HemangVora commented 1 week ago

same with me no action at MM

magiziz commented 1 week ago

@sniper365 Are you saying that whenever you try to connect with MetaMask it doesn't do anything or it's not prompting you to connect to the dApp ? Are you able to show any console errors ?

sniper365 commented 1 week ago

@magiziz First. MetaMask doesn't do anything when I call action after connect.

magiziz commented 1 week ago

@sniper365 Can you share a minimal reproducible example ?

weber77 commented 1 week ago

@magiziz https://github.com/weber77/wagmi-mobile-test

magiziz commented 1 week ago

@weber77 Seems to work for me since i use my own projectId. What happens if you use the projectId below ? https://github.com/rainbow-me/rainbowkit/blob/cdcaa25d66b522119852502f71c8efc02b1abdd9/packages/rainbowkit/src/wallets/getWalletConnectConnector.ts#L95

Don't use that in production, i'm just trying to see if you have configured everything in WalletConnect dashboard.

Also are you using any VPN's ?

sniper365 commented 1 week ago

Yes, I configured projectId correctly and verified on the walletconnect Yes, I use VPN. that would have some issue?

weber77 commented 1 week ago

@weber77 Seems to work for me since i use my own projectId. What happens if you use the projectId below ? https://github.com/rainbow-me/rainbowkit/blob/cdcaa25d66b522119852502f71c8efc02b1abdd9/packages/rainbowkit/src/wallets/getWalletConnectConnector.ts#L95

Don't use that in production, i'm just trying to see if you have configured everything in WalletConnect dashboard.

Also are you using any VPN's ?

I used it but it still doesn't work. Here's the repo


sniper365 commented 1 week ago

@magiziz @ I followed wagmi ssr guide The issue is not on wallet connect. On the desktop, third party api hook shows correctly the balance, But on the mobile it doesn't work.

e.g const { availableBalance, availableWithdraw } = useWithdraw(); It's working on desktop but not on the mobile. any further configuration, you think?

magiziz commented 1 week ago

@sniper365 The reason this might be a WalletConnect issue is because you're not being deep linked correctly into the MetaMask app and we use WalletConnect to initiate the deep links.

You also mentioned that you use VPN ? Can you describe more where the VPN is pointed at ?

Also can you show the console errors you get once trying to connect with MetaMask ?

sniper365 commented 1 week ago

VPN location is Germany

magiziz commented 1 week ago

@sniper365 Are you able to fully turn off your VPN and try again ? Make sure to first disconnect in MetaMask and try again using this project id 21fef48091f12692cad574a6f7753643.

Also it would be helpful if you can share any console errors you get on mobile. You can use any android simulators for that.

weber77 commented 1 week ago

Everything seem to work just find when using default configs. Without configuring urls

export const rainbowConfig = getDefaultConfig({
    appName: 'PaalX Sniper🎯',
    projectId: PROJECT_ID,
    chains: [mainnet],
    ssr: false, // If your dApp uses server side rendering (SSR)

If you absolutely want to choose your own set of wallets, you can use wagmi/connectors

import { connectorsForWallets, getDefaultConfig } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";

import { mainnet } from "wagmi/chains";

import { createConfig, http } from "wagmi";
import { PROJECT_ID } from "@/utils/env";
import { metaMask, walletConnect } from "wagmi/connectors";
import {

} from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets";

const connectors = connectorsForWallets([
        groupName: "Recommended",
        wallets: [metaMaskWallet, walletConnectWallet],
], { projectId: PROJECT_ID, walletConnectParameters: {}, appName: "xxx", appDescription: "", appUrl: "", appIcon: "" });

const wagmiWallets = [walletConnect({
    projectId: PROJECT_ID, metadata: {
        name: 'xxxx',
        description: "xxxx",
        url: "https://xxxx.ai/",
        icons: [""]
}), metaMask()]

function isMobileDevice() {
    return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
export const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
    connectors: isMobileDevice() ? wagmiWallets : connectors,
    chains: [mainnet],
    transports: {
        [mainnet.id]: http(''),

In main.tsx

  <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}> // replace with "rainbowConfig" if you want to use defaults
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <App />
magiziz commented 1 week ago

@weber77 Are you saying everything seems to work with getDefaultConfig ? If so that's great.

Here is another alternative to your wagmi/connectors approach:

const connectors = connectorsForWallets(
      groupName: "Recommended",
      wallets: [metaMaskWallet, walletConnectWallet],
    projectId: "...",
    appName: "...",
    // Add your own WalletConnect parameters
    walletConnectParameters: {
      metadata: {
        name: "xxxx",
        description: "xxxx",
        url: "https://xxxx.ai/",
        icons: [""],
magiziz commented 2 days ago

Closing this issue for now. Feel free to re open this issue if you're still stuck.