raine / ramda-cli

:ram: A CLI tool for processing data with functional pipelines
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Add CSV/TSV unstrict mode. #18

Closed mmqmzk closed 5 years ago

mmqmzk commented 5 years ago

Pass csv/tsv parse options to fast-csv. Added tests.


raine commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the great work!

Do you see any issue in making the unstrict behavior default? None of the tests seem to fail, other than the strict default test you added, of course.

mmqmzk commented 5 years ago

So you think it is better to make unstrict mode default and give an option to strict mode? Not a bad idea, sorry I don't have time this week, maybe later I'll see what I can do.

raine commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I made the unstrict mode default.

Let's add the flag for strict mode later if it appears useful.