raineorshine / npm-check-updates

Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows
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ncu --upgrade grunt-contrib-imagemin Reports upgrade and DOESN'T #234

Closed JoelParke closed 8 years ago

JoelParke commented 8 years ago

I ran ncu --upgrade grunt-contrib-imagemin with grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.9.1 it then reported: grunt-contrib-imagemin ~0.9.4 → ~1.0.0 which made no sense... then I did npm list --depth=0 which reported: ├── assert@1.3.0 ├── aws-sdk@2.3.7 ├── base64-stream@0.1.3 ├── bcrypt@0.8.3 ├── bluebird@2.10.2 ├── body-parser@1.12.4 ├── bson@0.4.23 ├── bson-objectid@1.1.4 ├── composable-middleware@0.3.0 ├── compression@1.4.4 ├── connect-livereload@0.5.4 ├── connect-mongo@0.8.2 ├── connect-multiparty@1.2.5 ├── cookie-parser@1.3.5 ├── ejs@2.3.4 ├── errorhandler@1.3.6 ├── exectimer@1.1.0 ├── express@4.12.4 ├── express-handlebars@2.0.1 ├── express-jwt@3.3.0 ├── express-session@1.11.3 ├── extend@2.0.1 ├── gc-stats@0.0.6 ├── github@0.2.4 ├── github-api@0.10.7 ├── grunt@0.4.5 ├── grunt-angular-templates@0.5.9 ├── grunt-asset-injector@0.1.0 ├── grunt-autoprefixer@3.0.4 ├── grunt-build-control@0.1.3 (git://github.com/daftmonk/grunt-build-control.git#3d03ebbe49f8f963ef43c50af1084a15f56611fa) ├── grunt-concurrent@1.0.1 ├── grunt-contrib-clean@0.6.0 ├── grunt-contrib-concat@0.5.1 ├── grunt-contrib-copy@0.8.2 ├── grunt-contrib-cssmin@0.12.3 ├── grunt-contrib-htmlmin@0.4.0 ├── grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.9.1 extraneous ├── grunt-contrib-jshint@0.11.3 ├── grunt-contrib-sass@0.9.2 ├── grunt-contrib-uglify@0.9.2 ├── grunt-contrib-watch@0.6.1 ├── grunt-dom-munger@3.4.0 ├── grunt-env@0.4.4 ├── grunt-express-server@0.5.3 ├── grunt-google-cdn@0.4.3 ├── grunt-karma@0.10.1 ├── grunt-mocha-test@0.12.7 ├── grunt-newer@1.1.2 ├── grunt-ng-annotate@0.10.0 ├── grunt-node-inspector@0.2.0 ├── grunt-nodemon@0.4.2 ├── grunt-open@0.2.3 ├── grunt-protractor-runner@2.1.2 ├── grunt-rev@0.1.0 ├── grunt-svgmin@2.0.1 ├── grunt-usemin@3.0.0 ├── grunt-wiredep@2.0.0 ├── heapdump@0.3.7 ├── html2plaintext@1.0.1 ├── htmlparser@1.7.7 ├── htmlparser2@3.9.0 ├── ical-generator@0.2.7 ├── jit-grunt@0.9.1 ├── js-json@0.1.4 ├── jshint-stylish@1.0.2 ├── JSONStream@1.1.1 ├── jsonwebtoken@5.7.0 ├── jws@3.1.3 ├── jwt-decode@1.5.1 ├── karma@0.12.37 ├── karma-chrome-launcher@0.1.12 ├── karma-coffee-preprocessor@0.2.1 ├── karma-firefox-launcher@0.1.7 ├── karma-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 ├── karma-jade-preprocessor@0.0.11 ├── karma-jasmine@0.3.8 ├── karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.2 ├── karma-ng-jade2js-preprocessor@0.2.1 ├── karma-ng-scenario@0.1.0 ├── karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.1.4 ├── karma-requirejs@0.2.6 ├── karma-script-launcher@0.1.0 ├── lodash@3.8.0 ├── method-override@2.3.5 ├── mime-types@2.1.11 ├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY mocha@>=1.20.0 ├── moment@2.10.6 ├── moment-timezone@0.4.1 ├── mongodb@1.4.40 ├── mongoose@4.0.8 ├── mongoskin@1.4.13 ├── monk@1.0.1 ├── morgan@1.5.3 ├── ng-file-upload@4.2.4 ├── nodemailer@1.11.0 ├── nodemailer-sendgrid-transport@0.1.0 ├── nodemailer-sendmail-transport@1.0.0 ├── open@0.0.5 ├── passport@0.2.2 ├── passport-facebook@2.1.0 ├── passport-github@0.1.5 ├── passport-github2@0.1.10 ├── passport-google-oauth@1.0.0 ├── passport-local@1.0.0 ├── passport-twitter@1.0.4 ├── q@1.4.1 ├── random-id@0.0.2 ├── rekuire@0.1.9 ├── request@2.72.0 ├── requirejs@2.1.22 ├── serve-favicon@2.2.1 ├── sessionstore@1.2.13 ├── should@6.0.3 ├── shrinkwrap@0.4.0 ├── socket.io@1.4.6 ├── socket.io-client@1.4.6 ├── socketio-jwt@4.3.4 ├── sprintf-js@1.0.3 ├── ssl-root-cas@1.1.10 ├── supertest@1.0.1 ├── time-grunt@1.2.2 ├── tmp@0.0.27 ├── tracer@0.7.4 ├── uri.js@0.1.3 ├── uuid@2.0.2 └── xmldom@0.1.22

npm ERR! peer dep missing: mocha@>=1.20.0, required by grunt-mocha-test@0.12.7 npm ERR! extraneous: grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.9.1 /home/joel/tracker/node_modules/grunt-contrib-imagemin npm ERR! peer dep missing: mocha@>=1.20.0, required by grunt-mocha-test@0.12.7

This I saw that imagemin@2.2.1 was installed so I removed node_modules/grunt-contrib-imagemin Which didn't allow me to build by project. SO I then did: npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin And my project builds and npm list --depth=0 reports what I expect except for a: ├── imagemin@2.2.1 extraneous so I remove node_modules/imagemin Now npm list --depth=0 reports what I expect except for: ├── imagemin-pngquant@4.2.2 extraneous ├── imagemin-svgo@3.0.3 extraneous ├── vinyl-fs@0.3.14 extraneous ... is this sort of normal... it seems that npm is very FRAGILE ??? and ncu --upgrade is dangerous??? Thanks, Joel Parke

raineorshine commented 8 years ago

Hi Joel (greetings from Denver!),

I would love to help you make sense of the npm/ncu troubles that you are having! I might need a little more explanation to fully understand your problem.

I ran ncu --upgrade grunt-contrib-imagemin with grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.9.1 it then reported: grunt-contrib-imagemin ~0.9.4 → ~1.0.0 which made no sense...

To me this makes sense: You have ~0.9.1 specified in your package.json. ~ is a version range specifier that will allow minor versions and patches to be installed whenever you run npm install or npm update. So ~0.9.1 is your dependency, and 0.9.4 is the latest version that satisfies that version range. By running ncu, you are asking for the latest version outside the specified version range. Since the latest version of grunt-contrib-imagemin is 1.0.0, this is what ncu reports.

Do you need both imagemin and grunt-contrib-imagemin? My guess is that the latter includes the former. If you are using grunt you probably only need the latter.

... is this sort of normal... it seems that npm is very FRAGILE ???

Can you describe what does not seem normal? I can see the output you pasted but I'm not making the connection.

ncu --upgrade is dangerous

Similar question here. What do you see as dangerous? ncu --upgrade is only dangerous if you do not have your package.json in source control, since it does modify your package.json. ncu --upgrade actually does not touch your node_modules folder; that is left to npm itself. ncu just modifies your package.json.

JoelParke commented 8 years ago

What was confusing to me, what that the output showed: ~0.9.4 -> ~1.0.0 but the upgrade didn't happen, which I had assumed had taken place because of the output, yet I didn't see that ---- but perhaps I was confused as I had a slew of issues around the same time. Your explanation makes sense since I see that --upgrade only modifies package.json -- where I had assumed that the node_modules had also been updated.
One suggestion: Perhaps a suggestion to run npm update or npm install should be executed, since tools like npm-check -u does do the update. Thanks, Joel Parke

raineorshine commented 8 years ago

Glad that cleared some of it up for you.

When you run ncu -u it reports Upgraded ./package.json which I hoped was precise enough to communicate that just the package.json has been modified. I can understand expecting that npm update would be run as well. Automatically running npm update isn't the best idea as there are several use cases for just wanting to modify the package.json (e.g. in a build process, or running ncu multiple times with different filters). You can always run ncu -u && npm update to do both.