rainers / cv2pdb

converter of DMD CodeView/DWARF debug information to PDB files
Artistic License 2.0
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update INSTALL step 4 #63

Open Hanbunhanabi opened 3 years ago

Hanbunhanabi commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just notice that MS has removed the autoexp.dat file in vs2019 and replaced with Natvis: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/create-custom-views-of-native-objects?view=vs-2019 such that INSTALL step4 cannot be done. So is there any plan to update the INSTALL document or workaround? tank you

rainers commented 3 years ago

Indeed, the INSTALL document is pretty much outdated.

These days, cv2pdb is not necessary to debug D code in Visual Studio anymore. With dmd, compile to COFF with -m64 or -m32mscoff and use the mago debugger extension (https://github.com/rainers/mago) that is installed with Visual D (https://rainers.github.io/visuald/visuald/StartPage.html).