raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

Apache License 2.0
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Pin player while scrolling #10

Closed brassmonkey709 closed 2 years ago

brassmonkey709 commented 2 years ago

Starting today there's no option in settings to pin player while scrolling. This is great and can we get it back? Using Safari 15.4 / Tampermonkey. Tried reinstalling the script and no luck!

raingart commented 2 years ago

Yes, the "Pin player while scrolling" plugin has been removed in the new release. Since there are 3 plugins whose functions intersect with the remote one:

Which is the same in essence, but completely different in implementation.

Personally, I use the latter. Because I'm tired of slowdowns when scrolling comments. And clicking on the button "Scroll to top button"

Please try them. The Pin limited to the browser's viewport area. At the same time, the most complex in implementation.

But if they don’t suit you and you really want the Pin, I will return it back in the new release.

brassmonkey709 commented 2 years ago

Comments show in popup - trying to test this out; option is on but no change on the youtube page.

There's an image in the help file but it's throwing a 404 error -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raingart/Nova-YouTube-extension/gh-pages/wiki_images/comments-popup.png

Any tips on how to activate the comment popup? Thanks in advance and btw this script is awesome :)

cmhrky commented 2 years ago

Perhaps I'll try picture in picture to automatically display when scrolling.

This could be nice. But I guess it is not possible to adjust the size in this way.

cmhrky commented 2 years ago

I am using the script version. How can I install the script?

...and and how can i use it in English?

raingart commented 2 years ago

...and and how can i use it in English?

What language is it in you? Maybe you it can be improved. The script detects the locale of your browser and uses it if available. Predefine it while there is no setting.

cmhrky commented 2 years ago

try it /test_pip.user.js

It works on the first scroll down. Then scrolling up and scrolling down again doesn't work.

...and and how can i use it in English?

What language is it in you? Maybe you it can be improved. The script detects the locale of your browser and uses it if available. Predefine it while there is no setting.

It's in Turkish, but it's really bad because it has google translation. I'd love to help with the translation, but I don't have time right now. It would be nice to change the language.

raingart commented 2 years ago

I will then remove the Turkish translation completely in the next release

It works on the first scroll down I have this problem too.

I did not find out its causes and solutions accordingly. I believe that the reason is that the browser has a timeout limit through which you can re-display the video in pip.

Since I do not have statistics, I thought that if I do not use the Pin, then the rest do not need it. But I was wrong. I'm interested in your opinion. What to do:

As you decide?

cmhrky commented 2 years ago

I think it should either be the same as before or it could be a new prototype if it works properly.

By the way, when I press the Home button, the next scrolling down works fine.

raingart commented 2 years ago

Subsequently, the Council adopted decision 10/1114332119 endorsing that resolution.