raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

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[Feature] - Volume boost by default #159

Closed chaoscreater closed 4 months ago

chaoscreater commented 4 months ago

The disable volume normalization setting doesn't seem to work. I can boost the volume using the hotkey and boost it above 100% and that works great, but volume normalization on/off doesn't make a difference. Here's an example video I tested:


Since I can manually boost the volume level using the hotkey to 200%, it would be great if we can set this as the default volume. At the moment, default volume can only be up to 100% maximum. If volume normalization doesn't work, then the workaround for me would be to set a default boosted volume level of 200%.

raingart commented 4 months ago

Normalization works, but not in all videos. Depends on the volume level during encoding.

works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgPt2mZooss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfNmyxV2Ncw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjSvChCF9_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqYFkPeYqoI

does not work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcWygF_e_2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwUqgyHGy00

What about the default being higher than 100%. This will require rewriting some of the functionality. I'll see what i can do

raingart commented 4 months ago

there are some features and limitations of the plugins

  1. Default level available more than 100 but if the value is not a multiple of 100. For example, 150, 399, then it will be rounded to the nearest hundredth.

  2. if the Allow above 100% option is inactive, then you will absolutely not be able to set the value above 100 using hot keys