raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] auto pause and stop video preload not working #42

Closed Joshua64 closed 1 year ago

Joshua64 commented 1 year ago

(I reinstaled 2 times and i made the same configuration and, the same thing :( )

Hello, the video auto pause and stop video preload option don't work, i open one video, any video, and the video loads normally and don't pause, with all or embed configuration set.

raingart commented 1 year ago

Problem with a broken save config function boolean value will be saved as string

I don't know what caused it. It has not been changed in the latest version.

Has this plugin worked for everyone before?

install beta ver

I fixed 2 plugins (stop and pause video). But it will take time to fix all problem areas

Joshua64 commented 1 year ago

stop video preload and auto pause now work perfectly with this beta ver. thanks :)

raingart commented 1 year ago

The reason turned out to be that I'm testing the script in dynamic expansion mode and not userscript.

And there was no data type convector in the userscript

There were some completely inoperative such plugins: