raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

Apache License 2.0
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Video page scripts not loading on transfer until refresh (FIXED!) #43

Closed Dormin22 closed 1 year ago

Dormin22 commented 1 year ago

@raingart This is more of a guide for others if they have the same problem. Sorry if this is a bad spot to post it, but I'm not really aware of a better place. If there is a better place, feel free to copy and post this wherever you want.

This only applies to those with a google account tied to youtube.

First go here and check if you have a brand account linked to your google account: https://myaccount.google.com/brandaccounts If you do then go here and compare the brand account to your youtube account to see if they match: https://www.youtube.com/account If you don't have a brand account then this guide wont help you.

If you have a brand account and it is identical to your youtube account then follow these steps to fix the issue:

First go to https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced and look for the Move channel option. It should say that you can choose to move to a brand account or google account. Press the move channel button and choose your google account as the target. Be warned there is some data that does not transfer, namely your comments. Confirm the transfer and use your google account to log into youtube from now on, the problem "should" be fixed.

@raingart Thanks again for trying to help me, you're really great! Good work! 👍🏻