raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Version #45

Closed HDark15 closed 1 year ago

HDark15 commented 1 year ago
  1. Option got saved but after re-open or refresh the page it got unselected or reset
  2. Enabled "Comments section in popup" and "Hide live chat" with collapsed mode make live chat only open when the cursor hovers it (there maybe problems with other options)
  3. Enabled "Hide live chat" with collapsed mode usually make the chat can't be open

    • Browser: Firefox 108.0.2 (64-bit)
    • Violentmonkey 2.13.5
    • Nova version:
raingart commented 1 year ago

try test this ver

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, the issue on no. 2 and 3 has been fixed, but I still got the issue on no. 1

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

I forgot there's an others issue. When start playing playlist the buttons show up sometimes don't, the autoplay button with stop state not working and when going next or previous video the buttons gone sometimes it just "reverse order button". The buttons show up when refreshing the page but the autoplay with stop state not working sometimes and volume with mouse wheel doesn't work on playlist even after refreshing the page

BobbyWibowo commented 1 year ago

Option got saved but after re-open or refresh the page it got unselected or reset

I used to have this a few days ago, but was too lazy to report since I only needed to change 1 option and could do so by accessing the stored JSON settings directly in Violentmonkey I'm also on Firefox 108.0.2 But something probably changed within the past, uh, 2 days? Options page no longer randomly resets, and have been working properly ever since

Oh yea, I'd also like to add that I'm running the "stable" version in Greasy Fork instead, so it appears there haven't actually been any code changes for the past 9 days, at least to the script page that I subscribed to (I seemingly gets rate-limited way too damn often by OpenUserJS, so I settled with the Greasy Fork's version) And Firefox haven't been updated from 108.0.2 for the past 5 days, at least, either So can't tell what even happened when it broke down a few days ago

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

But something probably changed within the past, uh, 2 days? Options page no longer randomly resets, and have been working properly ever since

Yeah, it's suddenly working for the options page and the volume with mouse wheel. But This version

try test this ver

Fix the issue for number 2 and 3 https://github.com/raingart/Nova-YouTube-extension/issues/45#issue-1523914528 The issue that script on OpenUserJS hasn't been change yet, for rate-limited thing I just click install till it works. For me, there's still an issue on playlist.

BobbyWibowo commented 1 year ago

I just click install till it works

Which is fine for first install, but when you have your userscripts manager auto-updates your scripts, sometimes it'll catch the rate-limited payload as an update, which contains only the first few lines that has metadata, and not the codes, haha

raingart commented 1 year ago

@HDark15 check ver

raingart commented 1 year ago

If the errors disappeared, then the reason was: Fixed "Injection data expired" error (mostly seen in Firefox). in violentmonkey.

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for check it and replying only now. The new version fixes all of my issues, thank you for your hard work, I really appreciate it.