raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

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[Bug] Load comments button #55

Closed HDark15 closed 1 year ago

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

The load comments button being put too low on the bottom, almost touching the taskbar. I remember it's not the case before

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

I forgot it, when related content is collapse, so there's no more than load comments to scroll down

raingart commented 1 year ago

install beta

If there is a suggestion where it is better to place the button, advise.

Personally I use the plugin "Comments section in popup" is activated, the button appears here

Screenshot from 2023-02-19 12-16-43

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

It's the same code, I usually update it from there "Comments section in popup" I use that before but you can't comment only replying Maybe the left side of description, there's a lot of space but still it's not the case before, need more space under the "Comments section in popup" if that possible

raingart commented 1 year ago

It's the same code, I usually update it from there

in pointed out 0.37.0` and the current version

check now beta

I added a variable to top in code, to change the width. Now the value is 50%. I don't know if I need to add this parameter to the settings or you can choose which one you like and it will be the default

Opened a section for commenting. And he remembered why he hid it. Block constantly weighs on top. I was too lazy to fix it. Given that almost all the comments on youtube are unhelpful or stupid. It’s a pity that you can’t limit the display of comments only to those who provided a certificate from a psychologist or id-pass.

raingart commented 1 year ago

I forgot to ask you if you had to enter "Comments sort" or "Comments popup" . They essentially do the same thing but in different ways.

Comments sort is my own implementation of loading comments using the API. It is limited in the capabilities of the Youtube API itself. And viewing reply and commenting will probably never be available due to quotas

raingart commented 1 year ago

"Comments sort" is an implementation of a single user request for the ability to sort comments. I had to implement it this way than to change the current structure that is displayed on the site.

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

but still it's not the case before, need more space under the "Comments section in popup" if that possible

Sorry I mean "Load Comments" button Thanks for adding comment on "Comments section in popup" "Comment sort" that's a good feature, but I probably will not be using it

raingart commented 1 year ago

it's not impossible. It doesn't really make sense. Technically, the block of comments is replaced by a button for downloading it. This function is generic and can be applied to any element.

Even if you add the ability to position it, you still need to scroll to the bottom of the comments.

That's why the plugin "Comments section in popup" appeared. The solution to wasting time scrolling to the bottom.

The load comments button

You clearly indicated. That I should apologize. I immediately had a correction in my mind that you mean "Comments section in popup" or "Comment sort"

raingart commented 1 year ago

I can increase the size of the button itself. For example

Screenshot from 2023-02-20 12-30-17

But don't move

HDark15 commented 1 year ago

But don't move

Okay, what's that mean?

raingart commented 1 year ago

i can enlarge the button but not move it