raingart / Nova-YouTube-extension

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[Bug] Expand Description Bugged #93

Closed alkaris2 closed 10 months ago

alkaris2 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

This toggle option for Expand Description is bugged, it'll always auto-expand the description of videos when it's not even toggled on, or if set to on hover, I've tested this out in Vivaldi and Firefox and both have the exact same behaviour regardless what it's set on.

raingart commented 1 year ago

rewrote the plugin. Now everything should work. You can check in beta

alkaris2 commented 11 months ago

This bug seems to still be present, expand description still auto-expands on load when it hasn't been enabled or when it's set to either On Hover or Always. As GreaseMonkey script I tested multiple times, if I disabled in the menu of GreaseMonkey the issues goes away, enabling it again the issue comes back.

If Disabled it should be like this;

<tp-yt-paper-button id="collapse" class="button style-scope ytd-text-inline-expander" style-target="host" role="button" tabindex="0" animated="" elevation="0" aria-disabled="false" hidden=""><!--css-build:shady-->Show less<paper-ripple class="style-scope tp-yt-paper-button"><!--css-build:shady-->

    <div id="background" class="style-scope paper-ripple" style="opacity: 0;"></div>
    <div id="waves" class="style-scope paper-ripple"></div>

if Enabled it looks like this

<tp-yt-paper-button id="collapse" class="button style-scope ytd-text-inline-expander" style-target="host" role="button" tabindex="0" animated="" elevation="0" aria-disabled="false"><!--css-build:shady-->Show less<paper-ripple class="style-scope tp-yt-paper-button"><!--css-build:shady-->

    <div id="background" class="style-scope paper-ripple" style="opacity: 0;"></div>
    <div id="waves" class="style-scope paper-ripple"></div>

Another section shows for is-expanded if the Show More has been clicked to expand the description, and it removes is-expanded when its not showing full description after clicking Show Less.

<ytd-text-inline-expander id="description-inline-expander" always-show-expand-button="" class="style-scope ytd-watch-metadata" is-expanded="">

your script isn't respecting the default state when it's not enabled, or set to the other options, it just auto-expands it anyway regardless of what's enabled or not.

raingart commented 11 months ago

GreaseMonkey unsupported.

more info #81

there is an experimental ver or use scriptcat it supports GreaseMonkey/Violentmonkey scripts

raingart commented 11 months ago

I see no problems with plugin code there are 10 lines of code. Probably a problem with your Monkey Or browser. I periodically sing the gaps of users of different forks of chromium that something is not working for them. I use and test only in the original version of Chromium stable + VioletMonkey. there may also be a conflict with other plugins.

raingart commented 11 months ago

I just found out that in the plugin "Float player progress bar" there is a function for auto-expanding the description.