rainhardtgabriel / co64_dominationv_N_N_N_L.Takistan

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Flatten bushes on Taxiway #245

Closed wartheatre closed 8 years ago

wartheatre commented 8 years ago

You can't erase map objects, but you can destroy "flatten" it via it's IDs

place a game logic and type in: {(getPos this nearestObject _x) setDamage 1;} forEach [fill in IDs here];

code is not tested, but should work ... i hope ;)

I know, only eyecandy, but those bushes are a little annoying.

wartheatre commented 8 years ago

i had a similar code in one of my missions, to check if mapobjects are destroyed. but be aware: whenever Bohemia updated Arma and they enhance their map's too, the IDs are completely different. hopefully CUP will not mess with that.

wartheatre commented 8 years ago

It was able to "hideobectglobal" the bushes, seems to be new ... anyway ---> closed