Open rainit2006 opened 4 years ago
SELinux also supports a per-domain permissive mode in which specific domains (processes) can be made permissive while placing the rest of the system in global enforcing mode. A domain is simply a label identifying a process or set of processes in the security policy, where all processes labeled with the same domain are treated identically by the security policy. Per-domain permissive mode enables incremental application of SELinux to an ever-increasing portion of the system and policy development for new services (while keeping the rest of the system enforcing).
SELinux is set up to default-deny, which means that every single access for which it has a hook in the kernel must be explicitly allowed by policy. This means a policy file is comprised of a large amount of information regarding rules, types, classes, permissions, and more.
其他参考: You are right. If you set SELinux to permissive, you disable an important security feature of Android. That's why you use that mode for developing only. What the permissive mode will do for you is trace all the allow rules your service is missing. You would typically proceed like this:
Example of ".te" file
# Allow read / write access to /dev/null
allow domain null_device:chr_file { getattr open read ioctl lock append write};
# Allow read-only access to /dev/zero
allow domain zero_device:chr_file { getattr open read ioctl lock };
type dhcp, domain; #DHCP デーモンが基本セキュリティ ポリシーから継承します(domain)。前のステートメントの例のように、DHCP は /dev/null に対して読み取りと書き込みが可能です。
permissive dhcp; # DHCP が permissive ドメインとして指定されています。
type dhcp_exec, exec_type, file_type; # ファイルタイプを定義(複数可)
type dhcp_data_file, file_type, data_file_type;
init_daemon_domain(dhcp) #DHCP が init から生成され、それとの通信が可能であることを示しています。
net_domain(dhcp) # DHCP が TCP パケットの読み取りと書き込み、ソケット経由の通信、DNS リクエストの実行などの一般的なネットワーク機能を net ドメインから使用することを許可しています。
allow dhcp self:capability { setgid setuid net_admin net_raw net_bind_service
allow dhcp self:packet_socket create_socket_perms;
allow dhcp self:netlink_route_socket { create_socket_perms nlmsg_write };
allow dhcp shell_exec:file rx_file_perms;
allow dhcp system_file:file rx_file_perms;
# For /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/promote_secondaries
allow dhcp proc_net:file write; # DHCP が /proc 内の特定のファイルに書き込めることを示しています。ここでは proc_net ラベルを使用して、書き込みアクセス権の対象を /proc/sys/net 以下のファイルに限定しています。
allow dhcp system_prop:property_service set ;
unix_socket_connect(dhcp, property, init)
type_transition dhcp system_data_file:{ dir file } dhcp_data_file;
allow dhcp dhcp_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow dhcp dhcp_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow dhcp netd:fd use;
allow dhcp netd:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
allow dhcp netd:{ dgram_socket_class_set unix_stream_socket } { read write };
allow dhcp netd:{ netlink_kobject_uevent_socket netlink_route_socket
netlink_nflog_socket } { read write };
SELinux(或SEAndroid)将app划分为主要三种类型(根据user不同,也有其他的domain类型): 1)untrusted_app 第三方app,没有Android平台签名,没有system权限 2)platform_app 有android平台签名,没有system权限 3)system_app 有android平台签名和system权限 app对应的te文件: AOSP提供的所有Android策略文件都在源码路径external/sepolicy目录下面,在编译完成之后一共会生成如下个module:
sepolicy sepolicy文件其实就是SEAndroid的安全策略配置文件,里面有所有进程的权限配置,进程只能进行它的权限规定内的操作。这个文件root权限也删不掉,把这个文件的内容dump出来后会发现里面有好多条规则,看两条例子:
allow untrusted_app system_app_data_file : file { read }
allow zygote sdcard_type : file { read write creat rename }
允许 untrusted_app类型的进程对 system_app_data_file类型的文件进行read。 允许zygote类型的进程对sdcard_type的file进行 read write creat rename。
file_contexts 用于设置打包在ROM里面的文件的安全上下文。其是由external/sepolicy/file_contexts文件编译而成。 例如在build systemimage时会将这个file_contexts文件路径传递给命令make_ext4fs时,就会根据它设置的规则给打包在 system.img里面的文件关联安全上下文。这样就获得了一个关联有安全上下文的system.img镜像文件了。 通过fastboot命令将system.img刷入system分区mount到/system目录之后,因为设置了相应的安全上下文,这样就能控制进程访问system目录下相关文件.
seapp_contexts和mac_permissions.xml 路径: external/sepolicy/mac_permissons.xml 路径:external/sepolicy/seapp_context seapp_contexts是负责设置APP数据文件的安全上下文,mac_permissions.xml是负责设置APP进程的安全上下文. 文件mac_permissions.xml给不同签名的App分配不同的seinfo字符串,例如,在AOSP源码环境下编译并且使用平台签名的App获得的seinfo为“platform”,使用第三方签名安装的App获得的seinfo签名为”default”。这个seinfo描述的是其实并不是安全上下文中的Type,它是用来在另外一个文件seapp_contexts中查找对应的type的。
sisSystemServer=true domain=system_server
user=system domain=system_app type=system_app_data_file
user=bluetooth domain=bluetooth type=bluetooth_data_file
user=nfc domain=nfc type=nfc_data_file
user=radio domain=radio type=radio_data_file
user=shared_relro domain=shared_relro
user=shell domain=shell type=shell_data_file
user=_isolated domain=isolated_app
user=_app seinfo=platform domain=platform_app type=app_data_file
user=_app domain=untrusted_app type=app_data_file
property_contexts 在Android系统中,有一种特殊的资源——属性,App通过读写它们能够获得相应的信息,以及控制系统的行为,因此,SEAndroid也需要对它们进行保护。这意味着Android系统的属性也需要关联有安全上下文。 路径:external/sepolicy/property_contexts
service_contexts 路径:external/sepolicy/service_contexts
window u:object_r:system_server_service:s0
app type label in SELinux policy For example, a typical Android app is running in its own process and has the label of untrusted_app that grants it certain restricted permissions. Platform apps built into the system run under a separate label and are granted a distinct set of permissions. System UID apps that are part of the core Android system run under the system_app label for yet another set of privileges.
例子:包含了platform_app, system_app
System app
System apps are pre-installed apps in the system partition with your ROM. In other words, a system app is simply an app placed under /system/app folder on an Android device.
/system/app is a read-only folder. Android device users do not have access to this partition. Hence, users cannot directly install or uninstall apps to/from it.
Apps such as camera, settings, messages, Google Play Store, etc. come pre-installed with the phone and manufacturers do not generally provide an option to remove such apps as this might impact the functioning of your device. If you want to remove a system app you need to root your device first.
A non-system app is installed under /data/app folder and has read, write privileges.
SELinux(或SEAndroid)将app划分为主要三种类型(根据user不同,也有其他的domain类型): 1)untrusted_app 第三方app,没有android平台签名,没有system权限 2)platform_app 有android平台签名,没有system权限 3)system_app 有android平台签名和system权限 从上面划分,权限等级,理论上:untrusted_app < platform_app < system_app ———————————————— 原文链接: Androidの実行権限には3種類ある。
Root化破解 对于Android手机,平常所说的Root,其实就是通过各种方法,将系统的SU程序文件拷贝到/system/bin目录下,并安装SuperUser授权管理,第三方应用程序可以通过su程序(su程序是权限管理文件)执行需要Root权限的操作。
Apps that run with the system UID, e.g.,