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Reading Books #14

Open rainit2006 opened 5 years ago

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago


rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In By Roger Fisher, William Ury and for the second Edition, Bruce Patton https://www.fd.unl.pt/docentes_docs/ma/AGON_MA_25849.pdf

Summary: ■1.Don't Bargain Over Positions 不要在立场上讨价还价。 Arguing over positions produces unwise agreements Arguing over positions is inefficient Arguing over positions endangers an ongoing relationship When there are many parties, positional bargaining is even worse Being nice is no answer 友善不能解决问题 There is an alternative。

===谈判方式:===== Each point deals with a basic element of negotiation, and suggests what you should do about it.

  1. People: Separate the people from the problem.
  2. Interests: Focus on interests, not positions
  3. Options: Generate a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do.
  4. Criteria: Insist that the result be based on some objective standard. 标准:坚持使用客观标准。

■2 Separate the PEOPLE from the Problem

  1. First recognize and understand emotions, theirs and yours.
  2. Make emotions explicit and acknowledge them as legitimate.
  3. Allow the other side to let off steam. 允许对方发泄情绪
  4. Don't react to emotional outbursts.

■3 Focus on INTERESTS, Not Positions

■4 Invent OPTIONS for Mutual Gain DIAGNOSIS :

  1. Premature judgment 不成熟的判断
  2. Searching for the single answer
  3. The assumption of a fixed pie 以为馅饼大小是不变的
  4. Thinking that "solving their problem is their problem"


  1. Separate inventing from deciding 把创造与决定分开 2, brainstorming
  2. Consider brainstorming with the other side. 4,Broaden your options (1),Multiply options by shuttling between the specific and the general: The Circle Chart. 在一般和特殊之间穿梭,增加选择方案:环状图。 (2) Look through the eyes of different experts. 从不同的专家视角看待问题 (3) Invent agreements of different strengths. 创造不同力度的协议 (4) Change the scope of a proposed agreement. 改变所提提议的范围 6, Look for mutual gain (1) Identify shared interests. (2) Dovetail differing interests. 融合不同的利益 7, Make their decision easy (1) Whose shoes? (2) What decision? (3) Making threats is not enough.

■5. Insist on Using Objective CRITERIA 1, Deciding on the basis of will is costly 2, The case for using objective criteria (1) Principled negotiation produces wise agreements amicably and efficiently. 3, Developing objective criteria (1) Fair standards (2) Fair procedures. 4, Negotiating with objective criteria (1) Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria. (2) Reason and be open to reason. (3) Never yield to pressure. 不能屈于压力

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

如何用数据解决问题 〔日〕柏木吉基

序章  我在日产学到了什么

第 1 章  解决问题,你需要“流程”

第 2 章  分解数据,找到“问题的关键”

第 3 章  采用交叉视点,锁定“原因”

第 4 章  制定对策,要依据“方程式”

第 5 章  用数据讲故事

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

关键对话 在线阅读: http://www.yuedu88.com/guanjianduihua/22629.html

脑图: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35072462

