rainit2006 / Anything

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English #3

Open rainit2006 opened 6 years ago

rainit2006 commented 6 years ago
rainit2006 commented 6 years ago
rainit2006 commented 6 years ago
rainit2006 commented 6 years ago
rainit2006 commented 5 years ago
rainit2006 commented 5 years ago
rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

Today, I"ll be giving you an introduction to AWS Cloud. Since this course is about becoming a practitioner, let's defining cloud computing. "Cloud computing" refers to the on-demand delivery of IT resources and applications via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Before cloud computing, you would have to provision capacity based on guessing theoretical maximum peaks. If you didn't meet your projected maximum peaks or exceeded them, you would be paying for expensive resources that would stay idle or have insufficient capacity to meet your needs. in addition to overhead of real estate, power and cooling. On the other hand, with aws, servers, database, storage, high-level application components can be initiated with seconds. you can treat these as temporary and disposable resources, free from the inflexibility and constrain of a fixed and finite IT infrastructure. By harnessing the power of aws cloud, your approach to change manage, testing, reliability, capacity planning is more agile and efficient.
one reason companies are moving in to the cloud is increased agility.

With aws facilities all around the world, it offers you global reach with a moment's notice. you can get the benefit without having to make the huge investment. In cloud computing, new resources are only a click away (クリックすればすぐに用が足せること) which means you reduce the time it takes to make those resources available to your developers from weeks to just minutes resulting in a dramatic increase in agility for the organization.

Another agility benefit of cloud computing is being able to experiment more often. AWS enables operations as code in the cloud and the ability to safely experiment, develop operations procedures, and practice failure. With virtual and automatable resources, you can quickly carry out comparative testing using diffierent types of instances, storage, or configurations. Using AWS CloudFormation enables you to have consistent, templated, sandbox development, test, and production environments with increasing levels of operations control.

As we just mentioned, cloud computing allows you to experiment quickly and with low cost and low risk. This is great for IT because it allows for more experimentation more often which leads to the discovery of new configurations and innovations.

Fault tolerance refers to the ability for a system to remain operational even if some of the components of that system fail. It can be seen as the built-in redundancy of an application’s components. High availability ensures that your systems are always functioning and accessible and that downtime is minimized as much as possible, WITHOUT the need for human intervention.

By utilizing the AWS Cloud, you can take advantage of a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure to best meet your requirements. In relation to agility, elasticity is also a powerful force in cloud computing.

In relation to agility, elasticity is also a powerful force in cloud computing. Elasticity is the power to scale computing resources up or down easily, while only paying for the actual resources used.

By using AWS, customers can grow, shrink, and adapt their consumption of services to meet seasonal requirements, launch new services or products, or simply accommodate new strategic directions

AWS delivers a scalable cloud computing platform designed for high availability and dependability, providing the tools that enable you to run a wide range of applications. Using AWS tools, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing, your application can scale up or down based on demand.

With AWS, you can easily deploy your system in multiple regions around the world while providing a lower latency and better experience for your customers at minimal cost.

By using AWS, organizations can achieve greater flexibility and capacity, reducing the uncertainty of forecasting hardware needs. Additionally, the scale of AWS gives customers capacity and reliability that is difficult to match by on-premise solutions. With AWS, you no longer need to dedicate valuable resources to building costly infrastructure, including purchasing servers, software licenses or leasing facilities. By paying for services on an as needed basis, you can redirect your focus to innovation and invention, reducing procurement complexity and enabling your business to be fully elastic. Pay-as-you-go pricing allows you to easily adapt to changing business needs without overcommitting budgets and improving your responsiveness to changes. With a pay as you go model, you can adapt your business depending on need and not on forecasts, reducing the risk or overprovisioning or missing capacity Moving to the cloud is not just about saving costs on IT anymore-it’s about creating the environment that lets your business thrive. The digital revolution has made it easier than ever to connect with customers, develop ground-breaking new insights and scientific breakthroughs, and deliver innovative new products and services.

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

comment down below what you want to see in the series. ■ I couldn't have done it without you. good job! keep up with the good work.

■ 加油:

  1. You got this ! Come on! we rehearsed so many times, we got this!
  2. go get them => go get'em.
  3. Hang in there. 坚持再坚持 Hang in there, It'll be over soon.
  4. Giving up is not an option Third time is the charm. 3度目の正直 (占いや勝負で、一度や二度は当てにならないが、三度目は確実であるということ)
  5. Giving up should not be in your vocabulary.

■舍不得 we only have a few short weeks left. It’s so hard for me to say goodbye. It's going to be very difficulty to start the next chapter of our lives. I want you know that i was so appreciated all the times we were able to stay together. I hope we can stay friends whenever we go and keep in touch.

(heartfelt 走心)

■電話 I am sorry, you are breaking up. can you repeat that? I am having really bad reception. Can you repeat that? Would you mind hold on a moment, please ? When is a good time to call.

■回忆 1,In retrospect In retrospect, She really had my best interest at heart, i couldn't see it then, but i see it now. have someone best interest at heart 心底(人)のためを思っている have someone's best interest in mind(人)のためを思う

In retrospect, I should've studied harder. I couldn't see it then, but i see it now. 2, reminiscing I have been reminiscing a lot.

This takes me back to when i was a kid.

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

note: Exteriors: front/rear bumper 前后保险杠 windshield 挡风玻璃 windshield wiper 雨刷 headlights/taillights前后车灯 roof车顶 left/right blinker左右转向灯 brake lights 刹车灯 side mirror 左右后视镜 hood/trunk 车前盖/后备箱

Interiors: streeling wheel 方向盘 driver/passenger/back seat驾驶/乘客/后 座 back seat driver 爱指挥的后座乘客 instrument cluster/panel 仪表盘 odometer/speedometer里程表/速度表 rear view mirror 车内后视镜 gas/brake pedal 油门/刹车 automatic/ stick shift 自动/手动 clutch 离合 center console/armrest 中间收纳器 E(emergency)/parking brake 手刹 glove compartment/box 副驾驶储物柜(手套箱) dashboard 车窗下的平台(查词典也说是仪表盘,但估计是把这个部分和仪表盘看成一个整体了吧,所以也可以理解成“”仪表盘的上部) entertainment system 娱乐设施 navigation 导航 air vent/ventilation空调出风口 cup holder放杯子的地方 seat belt 安全带 seat belt buckle安全带扣 horn 喇叭 honk at sb 滴某人 shift/gear selector 换挡选择器 starter/ignition 开车按钮 headlight 近光灯=车灯 high beam 远光灯 fog light 雾灯

sensors(front/back)感应器 报警 Cruise control 定速巡航 Park assist 泊车辅助 Brake hold自动驻车 Blind spot warning 盲点警示 Lane departure warning 车道偏离辅助 转速 revolution 机油 engine oil 柴油diesel

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

xxxx experienced the BOD demos. The demos went very well and their feedback was strongly positive. xxxx said he deeply understood our work and its importance to TTTT and was impressed very much with the progress since last year. He spent a lot of time talking with us about how to get our work into TTTT products even sooner so it could have an impact on people's lives. This was a terrific result and it all happened thanks to your hard work.

rainit2006 commented 5 years ago

■go mainstream Machine that read your face will go mainstream, changing the way we life.

■ suitable for xxx xxx processor is particularly suitable for tasks such as xxxxx