rainit2006 / C-Program

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宏定义 #31

Open rainit2006 opened 6 years ago

rainit2006 commented 6 years ago

rainit2006 commented 6 years ago
rainit2006 commented 6 years ago

ANSI C标准中有几个标准预定义宏(也是常用的): LINE:在源代码中插入当前源代码行号; FILE:在源文件中插入当前源文件名; DATE:在源文件中插入当前的编译日期 TIME:在源文件中插入当前编译时间; STDC:当要求程序严格遵循ANSI C标准时该标识被赋值为1; __cplusplus:当编写C++程序时该标识符被定义。


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
    int answer;
    short x = 1;
    long y = 2;
    float u = 3.0;
    double v = 4.4;
    long double w = 5.54;
    char c = 'p';;
    // __DATE__, __TIME__, __FILE__, __LINE__ 为预定义宏
    printf("Date : %s\n", __DATE__);
    printf("Time : %s\n", __TIME__);
    printf("File : %s\n", __FILE__);
    printf("Line : %d\n", __LINE__);
    printf("Enter 1 or 0 : ");
    scanf("%d", &answer);
    // 这是一个条件表达式
    printf("%s\n", answer?"You sayd YES":"You said NO");
    // 各种数据类型的长度
    printf("The size of int %d\n", sizeof(answer));
    printf("The size of short %d\n", sizeof(x));
    printf("The size of long %d\n", sizeof(y));
    printf("The size of float %d\n", sizeof(u));
    printf("The size of double %d\n", sizeof(v));
    printf("The size of long double %d\n", sizeof(w));
    printf("The size of char %d\n", sizeof(c));

Date : Feb 11 1997
Time : 13:51:31
File : white.c
Line : 20
Enter 1 or 0 : 1
You sayd YES
The size of int 4
The size of short 2
The size of long 8
The size of float 4
The size of double 8
The size of long double 8
The size of char 1

注意: 1,这几个宏定义只是决定代码块是否被编译 2,别忘了#endif