rainit2006 / CISSP

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1. Security and Risk management #3

Open rainit2006 opened 4 years ago

rainit2006 commented 4 years ago


rainit2006 commented 4 years ago

image image image

rainit2006 commented 4 years ago

Types of evidence:

When Computer file be admissible?

When the computer output is done during regular business hours

rainit2006 commented 4 years ago
分類 説明
1 Controls (管理・統制) 情報セキュリティ管理・実施方針 ISO 17799/27002, NIST 800-53
2 Control Objectives (管理・統制方針) 管理・統制目標 COBIT, ITIL/ISO 20000, CMM
3 Governance Framework (ガバナンスフレームワーク) ガバナンス(訳すなら統治)全体のフレームワーク COSO, OCEG
4 Regulations (規制) 業種ごとの法規制・ガイドラインなど SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, FISMA, PCI-DSS
業種 法規制・ガイドライン 補足
政府・公共 FISMA (連邦情報セキュリティマネジメント法) IPA - 情報セキュリティ向上のための米国の取り組み
金融 GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)、US SEC Compliance (US証券取引所)  
ヘルスケア・医療 HIPAA (医療保険の携行性と責任に関する法律)、HITECH法 – 個人情報対策  
エネルギー・社会インフラ NERC/CIP (北米電力信頼性評議 / 重要インフラ保護サイバーセキュリティ基準)  
クレジットカード関連・流通 PCI DSS (PCI データセキュリティスタンダード)

ISO31000:2009 リスクマネジメント規格

ISO31000は組織体のどのレベル・規模であっても適用可能な「リスクマネジメントの考え方」を示していると言えます。ISO31000はあくまでもリスクマネジメントに関するガイドラインであり、認証を目的としたものではありません。 https://www.newton-consulting.co.jp/bcmnavi/guideline/iso31000_2009.html

GLBA(Graham-Leach-Bliley Act)

すべて金融機関は消費者に対して、個人情報(プライバシー)に関する方針や慣例を伝えなければならないというアメリカの法律のことです。 The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) contains provisions regulating the privacy of customer financial information.

SOX(Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 )

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)

連邦政府機関、および連邦政府機関の民間委託先に適用される法律で、情報や情報システムのセキュリティ強化が義務付けられています。 FISMA specifically applies to government contractors。

EEA(Economic Espionage Act)

営業秘密を保持している者に対し、知的財産の保護を求める法律です。 米国企業から営業秘密を不正に外部に漏えい等させた場合、本法に基づき罰金や懲役刑が課されます。

Federal Sentencing Guideline(連邦量刑ガイドライン)

連邦法上の犯罪に対する量刑裁量の基準を明確化・公平化するために作成されたガイドラインです。 1991年、情報セキュリティ関連の問題に対する”prudent man rule”が本ガイドラインに適用されました。 1991年,针对白领犯罪,规定了senior manager的责任,提倡实现security policies和security programs,due care

電子通信プライバシー法(ECPA:Electronic Communication. Privnacy Act)

Protection of electronic communications against warrantless wiretapping。


The Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) requires that all communications carriers make wiretaps possible for law enforcement officials who have an appropriate court order.


COPPA(Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)とは、2000年4月21日から米国で施行された、子供向けサイトに規制を課すことで子供のインターネット上の安全を守ろうとする法律です。 COPPAでは、商用サイトが、12歳以下(under the age of 13)の子供の個人情報を収集する場合に、次のようなこと(詳細略)を義務づけています。 COPPA requires that websites obtain advance parental consent for the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13.

prudent person rule (思慮深い投資家の原則)


de facto standard



rainit2006 commented 4 years ago


COBITは、ISACA(以前の情報システム監査管理統制)とITガバナンス研究所(ITGI)によって策定されたフレームワーク。 本質的には、COBITは「達成すべきこと」に対応し、ITILは「達成する方法」のフレームワーク。

COBIT specifies 17 enterprise and 17 IT-related goals that take the guesswork out of ensuring we consider all dimensions in our decision-making processes.

A majority of the security compliance auditing practices used today in the industry are based off of COBIT.


COSOは、コーポレートガバナンスのモデルのひとつ。(金融系) COBITは、COSOフレームワークから派生したもの。COSOの内容をほぼ内包する。 COBITとCOSOの違いは、COBITは、ITの観点から見ている点。


While CobiT helps a company define risk goals at an operational level, COSO helps a company define organizational risks at a business level. While CobiT is a model for IT governance, COSO is a model for corporate governance. CobiT was derived from the COSO framework

CobiT is a framework that defines goals for the controls used to properly manage IT and ensure that IT maps to business needs. It is broken down into four domains: Plan and Organize, Acquire and Implement, Deliver and Support, and Monitor and Evaluate. Each category drills down into subcategories. image

image image

image Zachman框架:是一个二维模型,它使用了6个基本的疑问词(什么、如何、哪里、谁、何时、为何)和不同的视知观点(计划人员、所有者、设计人员、建设人员、实施人员和工作人员)二维交叉,它给出了企业的一个整体性理解。

开放群组架构框架(The Open Group Architecture Framework,TOGAF):它由美国国防部开发并提供了设计、实施和治理企业信息架构的方法。架构允许技术架构设计师从企业的不同视角(业务、数据、应用程序和技术)去理解企业,以确保开发出环境及组件所必需的技术,最终实现业务需求。

舍伍德的商业应用安全架构(Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture,SABSA):是一个分层模型,它在第一层从安全的角度定义了业务需求。

COBIT(Control Objectives for Information and related Technology,信息及相关技术的控制目标):是一组由国际信息系统审计与控制协会(ISACA)和IT治理协会(lTGI)制定的一个治理与管理的框架。

COSO内部控制整合框架:是由反欺诈财务报告全国委员会发起组织委员会(Committee of Sponsoring Organizations,COSO)于1985年开发的,是用来处理财务欺诈活动并汇报。

ISO/IEC 27000系列: ISO和IEC联合开发的关于如何开发和维护信息安全管理体系的国际标准。


能力成熟度模型集成(Capability Maturity Model Integration,CMMI):由Carnegie Mellon大学开发,以此作为确定组织流程成熟度的一种方式。

rainit2006 commented 4 years ago

NIST outline some self testing techniques:

rainit2006 commented 4 years ago

Information warfare


rainit2006 commented 3 years ago
rainit2006 commented 3 years ago


rainit2006 commented 3 years ago


SLAs do not normally address issues of data confidentiality. Those provisions are normally included in a nondisclosure agreement (NDA).

rainit2006 commented 3 years ago

Reduction analysis

In reduction analysis, the security professional breaks the system down into five key elements: trust boundaries, data flow paths, input points, privileged operations, and details about security controls. image

rainit2006 commented 3 years ago

NISP SP 800 Series

Special Publications in the 800 series present documents of general interest to the computer security community.

rainit2006 commented 3 years ago

Security and Risk Management

Security terminology and principles

CIA: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Control functionalities:

TOGAF Model and methodology:

DoDAF: • DoDAF U.S. Department of Defense architecture framework that ensures interoperability of systems to meet military mission goals

MODAF: • MODAF Architecture framework used mainly in military support missions developed by the British Ministry of Defence

SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture ):

For an enterprise security architecture to be successful in its development and implementation, the following items must be understood and followed:

Security Controls Development:


NIST SP 800-53



Process Management Development:

• ITIL Processes to allow for IT service management developed by the United Kingdom’s Office of Government Commerce • Six Sigma Business management strategy that can be used to carry out process improvement • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Organizational development for process improvement developed by Carnegie Mellon University

Enterprise Architecture Development

Intellectual property

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) :

GDPR: The GDPR defines three relevant entities: • Data subject The individual to whom the data pertains • Data controller Any organization that collects data on EU residents • Data processor Any organization that processes data for a data controller Key provisions of the GDPR include • Consent • Right to be informed • Right to restrict processing • Right to be forgotten • Data breaches (report a data breach within 72 hours)

Types of Legal Systems

Privacy: personally identifiable information (PII)

Standards: refer to mandatory activities, actions, or rules. Standards can give a policy its support and reinforcement in direction.

Baselines: A baseline results in a consistent reference point. also used to define the minimum level of protection required Guidelines: Guideline are recommended actions and operational guides to users, IT staff, operations staff, and others when a specific standard does not apply. Procedure: Procedures are detailed step-by-step tasks that should be performed to achieve a certain goal. ## Risk management NIST SP 800-39 defines three tiers to risk management: - Organizational tier: Concerned with risk to the business as a whole. - Business process tier: Deals with the risk to the major functions of the organization (e.g. the information flows between the organization and its partners or customers.) - Information systems tier: Addresses risk from an information systems perspective. ### Risk Management Process - Frame risk - Assess risk - Respond to risk - Monitor risk ## Threat modeling Threat Modeling Methodologies: Attack Trees: - The terms “attack chain” and “kill chain” are commonly used. - Reduction analysis: 1.to reduce the number of attacks we have to consider. 2. to reduce the threat posed by the attacks. ### Risk analysis has four main goals: • Identify **assets** and their **value** to the organization. • Determine the **likelihood** that a threat exploits a vulnerability. • Determine the business **impact** of these potential threats. • Provide an economic **balance** between the impact of the threat and the cost of the countermeasure. Risk analysis provides a cost/benefit comparison. A risk assessment must be supported and directed by senior management. ### Risk Assessment Team ### Identifying Vulnerabilities and Threats ### Methodologies for Risk Assessment 1. NIST SP 800-30 (1). Prepare for the assessment. (2). Conduct the assessment: a. Identify threat sources and events. b. Identify vulnerabilities and predisposing conditions. c. Determine likelihood of occurrence. d. Determine magnitude of impact. e. Determine risk. (3). Communicate results. (4). Maintain assessment. 2. FRAP (Facilitated Risk Analysis Process) - The crux of this qualitative methodology is to focus only on the systems that really need assessing, to reduce costs and time obligations. - This methodology does not support the idea of calculating exploitation probability numbers or annual loss expectancy values. The criticalities of the risks are determined by the team members’ experience 3. OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation) - a team-oriented risk management methodology that employs workshops and is commonly used in the commercial sector. 4. AS/NZS ISO 31000 - While NIST, FRAP, and OCTAVE methodologies focus on IT security threats and information security risks, AS/NZS ISO 31000 takes a much broader approach to risk management. - This risk methodology is more focused on the health of a company from a business point of view, not security. 5. ISO/IEC 27005 ISO/IEC 27005 is an international standard for how risk management should be carried out in the framework of an information security management system (ISMS). 6. Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) - determining functions, identifying functional failures, and assessing the causes of failure and their failure effects through a structured process. - commonly used in product development and operational environments. - use failure modes (how something can break or fail) and effects analysis (impact of that break or failure). - most useful as a survey method to identify major failure modes in a given system, the method is not as useful in discovering complex failure modes that may be involved in multiple systems or subsystems 7. fault tree analysis - proves to be a more useful approach to identifying failures that can take place within more complex environments and systems. - Fault trees are then labeled with actual numbers pertaining to failure probabilities. 8. CRAMM (Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency Risk Analysis and Management Method) - which was created by the United Kingdom, and its automated tools are sold by Siemens. - It works in three distinct stages: define objectives, assess risks, and identify countermeasures ### Risk Analysis Approaches ## Business continuity and disaster recovery ## Personnel security ## Security governance