Open rainit2006 opened 4 years ago
DAP (Directory Access Protocol)
DSP (Directory System Protocol)
DISP (Directory Information Shadowing Protocol)
DOP (Directory Operational Bindings Management Protocol)
X.500 の中核となる概念は:
LDAP 是 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 的缩写,即 轻量目录访问协议。它基于 X.500 标准下更简单的子集标准开发,因此有时 LDAP 也被称之为 X.500-lite,即轻量级 x.500。 客户端发起 LDAP 会话连接到 LDAP 服务器。默认连接端口是 389(LDAP),或者 636(LDAPS)。客户端发起操作请求到服务器,服务器返回响应结果。客户端无需等待服务器响应即可发送下一个请求。服务器则会依次返回响应结果。
在 LDAP 里, 一切都是等级化的,或者称之为层级化(hiearchical)。 我们在目录信息树里创建一个条目(entry)时,条目的信息存储在属性(attribute)里,属性又被组合成对象类(objectClass),对象类进一步组成了架构(schema)。
LDAP用户认证原理 1).每一个登陆,连接请求先去拉取所有的可通过用户的列表,然后去查找是否在已注册用户列表。(不推荐) 2).每一个登陆,连接请求去发送本地的用户、密码给LDAP服务器,然后在LDAP服务器上进行匹配,然后判断是否可以通过认证。(推荐)
DN,Distinguished Name分辨名。DN相当于关系数据库表中的关键字,是一个识别属性,通常用于检索 常见的两种DN设置 1)、基于cn(姓名) cn=Fran Smith,ou=employees,dc=foobar,dc=com (dn格式就是这么一大串) 最常见的CN是/etc/group转来的条目 2)、基于uid(User ID) uid=fsmith,ou=employees,dc=foobar,dc=com 最常见的UID是/etc/passwd和/etc/shadow转来的条目
OpenLDAPは、Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) のフリーかつオープンソースの実装であり、OpenLDAP Project が開発している。 By default, OpenLDAP stores the userPassword attribute in the clear.
a form of knowledge-based authentication that requires a user to answer a question, presumably something they intrinsically know, to verify their identity. 母親の旧姓は? 初めてのペットの名前は? 通っていた小学校の名前は? などなど
Retinal scanning is considered to be invasive, iris recognition is not.
A retinal scan is a biometric technique that uses unique patterns on a person's retina blood vessels (血管). Note: Retina scans can reveal additional information, including high blood pressure and pregnancy, causing privacy concerns
把登录过的人识别成别人,而拒绝之 (不放过好人) 把未登录过的人识别成登录的人,而通过 (放过坏人)
CER is a standard used to assess biometric devices. If the CER for this device does not fit the needs of the organization, you should assess other biometric systems to find one with a lower CER.
The stored sample of a biometric factor is called a reference profile or a reference template
TEMPEST (Telecommunications Electronics Materials Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions) is a U.S. National Security Agency specification and a NATO certification referring to spying on information systems through leaking emanations, including unintentional radio or electrical signals, sounds, and vibrations.
The mandatory access control (MAC) model uses labels (sometimes referred to as sensitivity labels or security labels) to determine access. Security administrators assign labels to both subjects (users) and objects (files or folders). When the labels match, the system can grant a subject access to an object. When the labels don’t match, the access model blocks access.
Security-enhanced Linux (SELinux) is one of the few operating systems using the mandatory access control model. SELinux was specifically created to demonstrate how mandatory access controls can be added to an operating system. In contrast, Windows operating systems use the discretionary access control model.
one-time password
A token device can create one-time password for user authentication. There are two basic types: synchronous and Asynchronous. A synchronous token device is driven by time or events (or “counter-based”,or “ Event counting mode”) to authenticate users. An asynchronous token device uses a challenge-based mechanism during its authentication process.
Two general categories of smart cards are the contact and the contactless types.
Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
SAML = Authentication and Authorization SPML = Provisioning XACML = Authorization only
Kerberos, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), and Central Authentication Services (CAS) are all SSO implementations。 RADIUS is NOT a single sign-on implementation, although some vendors use it behind the scenes to provide authentication for proprietary SSO.
Access matrix Capability tables list access control list
A callback to a landline phone number is an example of a “somewhere you are” factor because of the fixed physical location of a wired phone. A callback to a mobile phone would be a “something you have” factor.
The Trusted Foundry Program also called the trusted suppliers program is a United States Department of Defense program designed to secure the manufacturing infrastructure for information technology vendors providing hardware to the military.
two mode: cross-certification mode and trusted third-party (or bridge) mode
In the cross-certification federated identity model, each organization certifies that every other organization is trusted. This trust is establishedwhen the organizations review each other’s standards. Each organization must verify and certify through due diligence that the other organizations meet or exceed standards. One disadvantage of cross certification is that the number of trust relationships that must be managed can become a problem. In addition, verifying the trustworthiness of other organizations can be time-consuming and resource intensive.
In the trusted third-party (or bridge) federated identity model, each organization subscribes to the standards of a third party. The third party manages verification, certification, and due diligence for all organizations. This is usually the best model if an organization needs to establish federated identity management relationships with a large number of organizations