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Windows Biometric Driver #30

Open rainit2006 opened 1 year ago

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago


Create client applications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/win32/blob/docs/desktop-src/SecBioMet/creating-client-applications.md

Driver INF Validation Errors and Warnings https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/inf-validation-errors-and-warnings

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Install WDK on Win10 (VS2022)


  1. Install VS2022
  2. Windows 11 バージョン 22H2 SDK をインストールする (yes, even though it is win10)
  3. Windows 11 バージョン 22H2 WDK をインストールする

Error MSB8040: Spectre-mitigated libraries are required for this project. Install them from the Visual Studio installer (Individual components tab) for any toolsets and architectures being used. Learn more: https://aka.ms/Ofhn4c
--> https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/visualstudio/msbuild/errors/msb8040?view=vs-2022 In the Visual Studio Installer, choose Modify and then choose Individual Components, search for "Spectre (latest)," -->包括 ATL, MFC 都安装上

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago


https://paper.seebug.org/2063/ 在运行测试前,我们需要在本机(即开发主机)上打开测试模式(重启生效),使得操作系统可以加载我们编译的驱动程序,使用管理员权限打开 powershell:

# 打开测试模式
bcdedit /set testsigning on

重启主机后,使用管理员权限打开 powershell,通过 sc.exe 命令为驱动程序创建服务(命令详解请参考:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/sc-create):

# 创建服务名为 test,类型为 kernel,启动方式为 demand 的服务,并指定驱动程序路径
# (注意参数等号后必须有一个空格)
sc.exe create test type= kernel start= demand binPath= C:\Users\john\Desktop\workspace\kmdf_test\x64\Debug\kmdf_test\kmdf_test.sys

# 使用 queryex 查看创建的服务信息
sc.exe queryex test

随后便可以使用 sc.exe 命令启动驱动程序运行,并使用 DebugView 查看调试输出(需要勾选 Capture Kernel 和 Enable Verbose Kernel Output 才能看到输出):

# 启动运行驱动程序
sc.exe start test
# 停止运行驱动程序
sc.exe stop test



rainit2006 commented 1 year ago


Microsoft社ではドライバ開発においてWDFの使用が推奨されています。 WDFの主な構成として、カーネルモードで動作するドライバ用のKernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF)、ユーザーモードで動作するドライバ用のUser Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) 、それらをサポートする開発ツールから構成されます。


WDMは、もともと2つあったWindowsの系譜であるWindows 9x系とWindows NT系のドライバ開発を一元化するために作られたデバイスドライバの開発モデルです。それぞれ、Windows 98とWindows 2000で導入されました。

User mode and kernel mode

Virtual address spaces:

-- When a processor reads or writes to a memory location, it uses a virtual address.

Each user-mode process has its own private virtual address space, but all code that runs in kernel mode shares a single virtual address space called system space. The virtual address space for a user-mode process is called user space.


-- A driver is a software component that lets the operating system and a device communicate with each other.

a Universal Windows driver

-- A Universal Windows Driver is a single driver package that runs on all versions of Windows 10.

inf 和 sys 文件



https://proc-cpuinfo.fixstars.com/2017/06/windows-device-driver-1/ Windows標準のSCというコマンドを用いて行います。 SCコマンドは、カーネルモードドライバ用というわけではなく、一般にはユーザモードの常駐プロセス(サービス)の制御に用いられます。


  1. 生成した.SYSファイルを\Windows\system32\driversの下にコピーする。
  2. SCコマンドを用いてデバイスドライバの情報を登録する。 sc create sample1 binPath= system32\drivers\sample1.sys type= kernel


ドライバを起動: sc start sample1


動作中のドライバの停止: sc stop sample1

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Debug error Inf2Cat, signability test failed错误解决办法: Inf2Cat项目里设置为当地时间即可 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40468982/article/details/115059842

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago


在测试PC上执行 (shift+restart进入修复画面然后进入bois画面,将Secure boot设为disable) bcdedit /debug on bcdedit /bootdebug on bcdedit /set testsigning on 然后重启PC


在驱动的安装过程中,系统会自动记录安装的日志,在INF目录(路径一般在 C:\Windows\inf下)下可以找到两个日志文件 setupapi.app.log 和 Setupapi.dev.log ,查看这两个日志文件有利于理解驱动安装的执行过程,同时也有利于排查驱动安装过程中出现的异常。

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago



https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63256262/debugview-doesnt-capture-kdprint-output KdPrint(("Driver initialized.\n")); // 只在debug编译时才会显示,release编译时不显示。 KdPrintEx((ComponentId, Level, Format, フォーマットのための可変長引数));

在DebugView使用时注意: https://azyobuzin.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/09/025519

  1. レジストリに HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Debug Print Filter キーを(なければ)作成します。
  2. ログの ComponentId に対応する DWORD 値を作成します。例えば DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID なら「IHVDRIVER」という名前にします。
  3. その値を、表示させたいレベルのビットマスクにします。例えば、 INFO だけを表示(実際には値が 0 である ERROR も表示される)したいならば、 1 << DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL(3) = 0x8 を値とします。 ERROR から INFO まですべてを表示させる場合は、すべてのビットを立てるので 0xF にします。(この範囲外の Level を指定した場合はまた話が変わってくるけれど割愛)
  4. 準備ができたら、管理者権限で DebugView を起動し、 Capture Kernel を有効にするとログが見れるようになります


Tool: create a GUID

To create a GUID, use the Create GUID tool in Microsoft Visual Studio or Guidgen.exe, both of which are included in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/gettingstarted/from-sample-code-to-production-driver

WPP Software Tracing

Windows software trace preprocessor (WPP) A trace provider can be one of the following:

If you use one of the Visual Studio templates provided in the WDK for creating a WDF driver, much of the work is done for you.

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54758289/windows-biometric-framework-sample-umdf-driver-this-device-cannot-start-code

Win11 iso download: https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11

Oracle VirtualBoxでドラッグ&ドロップができない原因と対処方法 image https://aresei-note.com/8035

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Echo driver

Driver event and their callback functions

Device events

IoQueue event

umdf2_fx2 (UMDF2)



GetDevicePath: --》 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size (retrieves the buffer size that must be passed to the CM_Get_Device_Interface_List function.) -->cr = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List( InterfaceGuid, // (LPGUID) &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_OSRUSBFX2, NULL, deviceInterfaceList, deviceInterfaceListLength, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT);

PlayWithDevice(): ---> !DeviceIoControl(deviceHandle, IOCTL_OSRUSBFX2_SET_BAR_GRAPH_DISPLAY, &barGraphState, // Ptr to InBuffer sizeof(BAR_GRAPH_STATE), // Length of InBuffer NULL, // Ptr to OutBuffer 0, // Length of OutBuffer &index, // BytesReturned 0)) { // Ptr to Overlapped structure

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Verify user identity

Synchronous verification The following code example:

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago
rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/netframework/en-US/6d38d0d1-45f4-4c40-b036-71963156d259/how-to-verify-finger-in-wbf-driver?forum=wdk It sounds like you have what WBF refers to as an "Advanced" sensor. This means the sensor hardware has some combination of matching and storage capabilities built into the device.

To support an advanced sensor, you'll need to

For an advanced sensor, your driver only needs to do two things:

Expose a device interface whose ID is GUID_DEVINTERFACE_BIOMETRIC_READER
Support the IOCTL_BIOMETRIC_GET_ATTRIBUTES IOCTL on that interface.

It's up to you to define any other command codes you might need to send to the device.

In addition, you'll need to write a sensor, engine, and storage adapter to plug your sensor into the WBF. The basic idea is that the upper edge of each adapter exposes an interface with very specific (WBF-defined) behaviors. The lower edge of the adapter will talk to your sensor driver. For an advanced sensor, as long as the upper edge behaves properly, WBF doesn't care too much about how you implement things down below. The thing to be aware of is that, because WBF has no understanding of your device's behavior, you're going to have to write more code to support the sensor in Windows.

In terms of data movement, it's not necessary to send any biometric samples up the stack to WBF. If your advanced sensor can handle template creation, matching, and storage entirely onboard, then the WBF never needs to see the actual biometric samples or templates. WBF is designed so that advanced sensors can simply report the results of an operation (e.g., "that fingerprint belongs to user X").

Take a look at the MSDN documentation for writing WinBio plugins. It gives most of the details you need.

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

device interface classes

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/overview-of-device-interface-classes Any driver of a physical, logical, or virtual device to which user-mode code can direct I/O requests must supply a name for its user-mode clients. Using the name, a user-mode application (or other system component) identifies the device from which it is requesting I/O.

Starting with Windows 2000, drivers do not name device objects. Instead, they make use of device interfaces which are grouped by device interface classes.

Each device interface class is associated with a GUID. The system defines GUIDs for common device interface classes in device-specific header files. Vendors can create additional device interface classes.


The CM_Get_Device_Interface_List function retrieves a list of device interface instances that belong to a specified device interface class.

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

Ntddk.h contains core Windows kernel definitions for all drivers, while Wdf.h contains definitions for drivers based on the Windows Driver Framework (WDF).

If you can't add Ntddk.h, open Configuration -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories and add C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\<build#>\km, replacing <build#> with the appropriate directory in your WDK installation.

rainit2006 commented 1 year ago

如何从Windows官网里下载windows的iso文件呢? https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/news/637322